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Most liked posts in thread: Loyalty Points & Priority for Away Matches

  1. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Just found out that you can enter the link multiple times.

    That's 15 votes for loyalty cards being reintroduced then.
  2. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I support the men's club, I've no interest in the separate entity that is the women's team and don't wish to be forced into it either.

    If the women's team want to introduce a loyalty scheme for away tickets then crack on, I've no issue with that but it shouldn't, in any way, be intrinsically linked to tickets for the men's team.
  3. Tony Wilkinson

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Isn't this all a perfect reason that when a away allocation has been sold out and paid for then i-follow should be available solely through the away club...?
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    RCarol, Bantam75, QCFC BANTAM and 6 others like this.
  4. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Simple answer to this is to get out of this God awful division and then it probably won't matter half as much.
  5. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Just voted away ticket priority for the shits and giggles
  6. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    I hope the club does issue Away Priority tickets, just to piss off @Loyalbantam@Loyalbantam , whose views on this issue are so strident and dogmatic.

    I actually resent the logic that going to lots of current away games makes you more of an uberfan and that it should therefore guarantee you first dibs on limited supply tickets.

    A single 20 year old, in work, will have disposable income and lots of time to go swanning off to away matches to their heart's content. But a married supporter with a mortgage and family commitments may well have neither. Likewise, a retired supporter may have limited income and or health issues that preclude them from regular away game travel.
    Both of the latter probably have decades of loyal support, home and away, probably have season tickets and attend regular home games. Why should those supporters have less chance of getting tickets for popular matches than those whose personal circumstances just happen to make them able to attend lots of away games right now?
    #126 Offcomedun, Jun 25, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
  7. Keefly Bantam

    Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 20 Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    They missed off hot running water
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    trevor, Onside, YungNath and 5 others like this.
  8. Ulysses S Grant

    P.L. 23/24 2nd Place P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 12, 2018
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    Loyalty is about spending money that affects the bottom line at BCAFC not at Hartlepool, the benefit of that loyalty is the ability to buy tickets for away matches

    My wife is loyal to tesco, the benefit is clubcard points that can be traded in for goodies, Tesco dont reward her for shopping at Asda and Bradford City shouldnt reward you for shopping at Hartlepool FC.

    Buying and attending away matches should be the prize, but you should get zero loyalty points for buying away tickets because the club doesn't benefit financially.

    You should get more loyalty points for buying a scarf in the shop or a pie at half time, than you should for going to Hartlepool or Barrow

    We live in a capitalist society.
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    #522 Ulysses S Grant, Aug 19, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2022
    Aleman, Bapta, Wolfysmith and 5 others like this.
  9. Parader

    Parader Impact Sub

    Apr 11, 2018
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    It seems like the club are trying to do two different things in one scheme, it won't work and it is actually unfair to people who travel regularly to start to include purchases/attendance at events other than City away games in the scheme.

    If anything, as some have suggested, there should be two separate schemes - one clubcard reward type scheme to reward for purchases at VP and a completely different away priority scheme for those who travel regularly.

    Calling either a "loyalty" scheme is ridiculous. Someone may have the time/means/will/sadistic tendencies and enjoy watching league 2 football/nothing else going on in their life which means they go to every game. That doesn't make them any more "loyal" than someone who can't afford it/has three young kids at home/works in a hospital and has to regularly work Saturdays.
    meelin, Jayteebee, Fordy117 and 5 others like this.
  10. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    This whole thread gives me more pleasure every time I see it. I'm at the stage in life where I'm not bothered if I get a ticket or not. Good luck to those counting Thier loyalty points, you're dedication to the cause keeps me amused.
  11. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I look at it this way. Customers are your cash cow, as a business its up to your commercial department to rinse them of every penny they can. Its a harsh example but knowing a very successful commercial executive i know how this stuff works. I can see why folk think its out of order but thats commercialism.
    Stoneski, RCarol, Storck and 4 others like this.
  12. Dennis

    Staff Member Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    That's true but it doesn't function as a mouthpiece for the club. The club's recognised media outlets are its Twitter account, the club website, the City app and direct mailing to our email addresses. The club has sufficient media outlets which it controls directly rather than have to rely on the minutes of the SB. Personally, I'd take any of them in preference to the Supporter Board's minutes! If the club wishes to publicise how the Loyalty scheme is intended to operate, it needs to focus on using its established media outlets as it does for most other things.
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  13. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I didn't say that.

    I'm annoyed that I'm possibly at a disadvantage when securing tickets for men's games purely because I have no interest in a completely different football club.
  14. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    They should give people all the points if they bought an ST regardless of if they attend or not.

    They are supporting the club by buying a ticket for each game so why not receive the points for each game? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and the club are overcomplicating it by not following that method.
  15. Fools Gold

    Fools Gold Squad Player

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Because the scheme is primarily about away tickets . Not how many pies you buy at half time
  16. Dennis

    Staff Member Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Two different proposals appear to be covered by the survey. Firstly, an Away Loyalty Card which gives priority to regular away fans when tickets are limited which I believe is the correct starting point. Secondly, the club now wants it to evolve into a Tesco type Loyalty Card where the more is spent, the more points are accumulated. I don"t disagree with this but it has little to do with rewarding regular away fans with first dibs at aways games. The two things are entirely different and imo should remain separate.

    The final comment from the club at the end of the Survey suggests the decision has already been taken. We will have a Tesco type Loyalty card which will reward us for eating and drinking more at VP and is very different from the concept of the original Away Loyalty Card. It makes a mockery of asking fans what they'd like. The priority appears to be the cynical one which encourages us all to spend more with the club.

    If only the club had also provided more space in which to express our thoughts in a meaningful way. They might then understand better what fans really want.
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    RCarol, Onside, WilsdenBantam and 4 others like this.
  17. Bigrod

    Staff Member Moderator P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Having paid for 23 home games, it would be far more simple if they just allocated the full 460 points, rather than relying on the ‘unreliable’ system! Whether I go or not is my business. I have still paid for the ‘product’.
    This issue has been studiously avoided by the club.
    They will add my ‘purchased product’ to the ‘official’ attendance figure, irrespective of whether I go or not.
    There seems to be dual values being employed here.
  18. Bigrod

    Staff Member Moderator P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    That is plainly wrong! I have friends who live in the South-East and South-West, who don’t have Season Tickets as they can’t get to enough games at VP to make it worth while. However they have been to away games, closer to where they live.

    Tickets should be available after Loyalty Points levels have been passed and say 48 hours after they have been made available to Season Ticket holders.

    For sure have different release dates, and a priority system, but don’t rule out none Season Ticket holders from being able to buy away tickets altogether.
    meelin, Bronco, Ginge Baldy and 4 others like this.
  19. Kevin1954

    P.L. 23/24 Top 20 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Since 1959 about 3/4 of a million;)
    RCarol, Stoneski, meelin and 3 others like this.
  20. Botswana Bantam

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I've been ignoring this thread but just read the email or rather just read halfway down the email.

    Could they have made it any more complicated? Good grief. If you're in band A you get 24 hours to buy your ticket ahead of others but only if it rained on the Wednesday before hand. If it didn't rain in your specific postcode but it rained in your parent post code then you get 12 hours notice.

    I mean talk about over complicating the simple transaction of buying a ticket.
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