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Most liked posts in thread: How does this club move forward?

  1. brisbanebantams

    brisbanebantams Impact Sub

    May 8, 2018
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    reputation from a playing career should not afford you time in your managerial career - they are not mutually exclusive.

    the club needs a complete change of mentality from top to bottom; from boardroom to in the stands.

    how many seasons have we written off half way through due to a change in manager and afforded them the excuse of 'oh, it's not their team or their squad - give them the summer to build their own team.' it happened with Grayson, with Hopkin after Collins, with Bowyer after Hopkin and now McCall after Bowyer.

    unfortunately from top to bottom this club lacks the mentality to be successful - the same as the city on a whole.
  2. Idlebantam

    Idlebantam Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I admit it will take a lot of investment to be able to compete in the Championship, but we need to get there first, and I maintain it doesnt take deep pockets to get there, especially out of the 4th tier.

    The biggest issue I have is Rupp. He is clearly not interested in football and our city, and I wish there was someone out there who could tempt him to sell.
    WilsdenBantam, Bronco, Dubois and 2 others like this.
  3. Edinmiarse

    Edinmiarse Fringe Player

    May 4, 2018
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    Here's a few questions to add to the mix.

    Do we have a poor budget in comparison to other teams in this league?
    Was the pitch so much better when we were one game away from the championship?
    Did we have a director of football? How many teams that are near the top of this league, league 1 and the championship have a DoF?
    As a city was Bradford so much richer and affluent when we were being so successful with Parkinson?

    Seems to me that a lot of things are being blamed when in reality all it should take is decent player recruitment, a decent manager and that manager to be given time.
  4. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Why would anyone invest in Bradford as a city? Its a dead end transport wise and has a workforce that offers little. It angers me when we have idiots like Hinchcliffe and Ross Shaw in charge. They should be nowhere near being able to dictate the future of West Yorkshire. It should be the Leeds City Region.
  5. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
    Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    If they were the only two options, I'd agree with you although I could never imagine JR buying the club for anything other than a knock down price! But my preference remains that I'd like to see both leave our club and be replaced by a new owner(s) and CEO who would have a positive vision for the club and the means to deliver on it and not run it simply on a making ends meet basis. I'm just dreaming though.
  6. MallorcaBantam

    MallorcaBantam Impact Sub

    Apr 8, 2018
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    A big problem I think is season ticket prices
    As in all things, if It. Seems to be a cheap price, it very likely is.
    What do you get Cheap —- rubbish and you cannot complain.
    Pay a fair price, your likely to get value or have the right to complain

    All businesses run on profit fans are customers.
    Works great if the owner put his hand in his pocket to fund cheap prices
    But it won’t last long.
    Pay up then expect value.
    The Evidence, Onside, Chad and 2 others like this.
  7. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
    Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    How do other businesses in the entertainment sector manage to increase prices and still see an increase in income?

    How do Sky do it every year without seeing a fall off in subscribers?

    How do cinema chains increase seat prices and the number of cinema goers continues to increase?

    How do theatres keep increasing seat prices without playing in front of empty theatres?

    How do most football clubs increase seat prices and attendances continue to grow?

    Why are we such a basket case that we are incapable of doing what many other entertainment businesses manage to do?

    JR is committed to cheap ticket prices and yet there doesn't appear to be any evidence to support what he continues to do! It's bizarre. Unless he has magically hit upon the optimum point of the supply and demand curves, if he really believes in his cheap ticket strategy he might as well reduce the ticket price further and get more in the stadium!
    How, Inspector, Rogered Tart and 2 others like this.
  8. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I agree with what something Brisbane bantam was alluding to that pretty much all clubs based around working class cities have poor areas, Bradford isn't unique in being a relatively poor area yet some seem to hang out the point like a fact. This 'affordable football' irks me somewhat.
  9. JonButterfield

    JonButterfield Star Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 9, 2018
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    We need to accept that most clubs charge too much.

    It is embarrassing to see half empty stadiums up and down the country. This is a huge sport here, every stadium should be as near to full as possible.
  10. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
    Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    It certainly wasn't. When in the PL, it was largely paid for by the £100m+ they received each season from Sky for playing in the PL and since then by their £90m parachute payment! And that's just the same for Huddersfield
  11. Idlebantam

    Idlebantam Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I am.pretty sure deep pockets havent put the likes of Exeter and Crewe on course for promotion this season.

    Recruitment and the right manager and coaching is all it takes to get us out of this league. I say all it takes, but that is easier said than done of course. Parky under Lawn and Rhodes managed it, lets hope McCall can do it, because the jury is still out for me on whether he can do this from scratch. The last time he was here, he inherited a good squad from Parky
  12. Hoochy-Min

    Hoochy-Min Squad Player

    Apr 9, 2018
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    We're something like the 7th largest city in England. The potential is enormous. Leicester, Wolverhampton, Burnley, Sheffield are places similar to Bradford in some ways. Unfashionable cities/towns if you like. They've all got a premiership team. They've all been given a boost by rich people but look at them now, flying high. We've got a rich owner that someone needs to give a shake to. Show him what we could be in 5-10 years if he invests. Otherwise we'll be dossing around having the same conversations forever.
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  13. Mike Hunt

    Mike Hunt Impact Sub

    Apr 14, 2018
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    I say this often, that the decline of the football club mirrors the City as a whole and I end up with people telling me Bradford is booming, Cheap house prices, easy links to Leeds and Manchester. The same people who are pleased to be 9th in the bottom tier of professional football. There’s none so blind as them what won’t listen.
  14. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    As I said he's an owner with a clear vision. I'd been singing Pilleys praises for a long time, the training facilities showing what can be done with investment, something our fans seems scared to death of.
  15. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Those cities ot towns you mention have had varying levels of success in football. We've had it once, under the vision of Geoffrey Richmond. But the mere mention of BfG has folk wetting themselves in fear yet that is what we need to take this club forward, someone who has a vision about the potential of this club. It looks highly likely there will be the biggest gap possible between us and our neighbours 10 miles down the road. Yet 10 miles down the road is where the real potential is, let's not kid ourselves, our potential is just like any other league 1/2 club.
  16. Feats Don't Fail Me Now

    Feats Don't Fail Me Now Fringe Player

    Mar 24, 2019
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    "...you’d look at Bradford City and say, dying City with a council and population who are both largely disinterested, no assets..." Absolutely spot on.

    We should also stop using the word 'investment' when we talk about Rupp. An investment suggests there will be an ROI. But being frank any money Rupp puts in he knows there is no ROI. At best it stops the club falling further at best he MAY get his original investment back.

    If I was in his position I wouldn't be putting much money in. I would think I had already wasted enough and as long as someone offered to pay me out what I put in I would be out in a flash. In fact I may even accept a small loss as all I see is a money pit.

    Even if I was to try to look at it as a long term project I would have to consider the following.

    Bradford has never shown itself to be a hotbed of football, it's history is Div 3, Div 4, relatively small crowds (the 14/15k numbers are relatively recent) and as Mike Hunt points out the city is on a downward trend, the population is generally disinterested, the ground, which is not owned by the club and is not worth buying, is in a part of the city that would be described as 'undesirable' etc etc etc

    To be frank....would you put your money in?
  17. BingleyBantam

    BingleyBantam Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Julian Rhodes.

    Been chairman at City for 17 years. In that time we have lost ownership of Valley Parade, been in admin, relegated from Championship to League 2, he tried to sell to a dodgy ex-QPR owner with no money, Sold part of the club to Etherington who had no money and ran off with a cheerleader, finally sold us to Rahic & Rupp..but hey we have had 2 great seasons and season tickets are cheap.
  18. Feats Don't Fail Me Now

    Feats Don't Fail Me Now Fringe Player

    Mar 24, 2019
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    I have contributed and been part of a number of groups discussing the relationship between the likes of Manchester and Leeds and their smaller neighbours.

    It is generally agreed that both Manchester and Leeds have reached the critical mass whereby they now suck in the investment and jobs from large surrounding areas. Think of it in terms of a black hole (yes we might think of Leeds in that way) and how it essentially sucks everything in. This is the situation that Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield (Hudds gets it from both sides, Leeds and Manchester!) and to some extent Wakefield find themselves in because they are close to Leeds and as mentioned above Bury, Oldham, Bolton, Stockport with Manchester.

    So Bradford is already for all intents and purposes a satellite of Leeds.

    In my opinion Bradford is beyond the point of competing with Leeds. I believe the quicker this is accepted and a strategy arrived at to take advantage of the proximity and reduced costs of using Bradford for ‘non essential functions’, with its great connections back into the main center (Leeds) the better.

    Swallow our pride. Push for a Greater Leeds Council and look to make the best of it because there is simply no way that Bradford is ever competing with Leeds on equal terms again.
  19. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
    Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I agree with most of what you say but the real issue is how to create that dialogue with the club in a way in which some progress can be made.

    I was on the old SB for several years and had many discussions on these issues with DB, James and others at the club and tried on many occasions to widen the debate on these issues to include the two joint chairman. Suffice to say those discussions never took place. As one of the two chaimen said quite bluntly 'This is MY (not our!) fecking club and I'll run in my fecking way!'. Great! The other chairman offered an olive branch - a very small I might say - and agreed to talk to a couple of us about his thinking behind the cheap ticketing policy. As an aside, I understood what he was saying but said it was fine as a short term expedient but not viable as a long term strategy. But there was no intention on their part to discuss anything more meaningful because they knew as well as anybody else that any plans for the future for developing the club would require investment. And in their heads, that meant them needing to invest their own money and that simply wasn't going to happen

    With an owner who has no real interest in the club in the longer term and no affinity with the area and a current CEO whose own record in the past is little more than making ends meet from season to season, I don't see any enthusiasm to have the kind of debate you're suggesting. The best thing that can happen in the near future imo is for Rupp to to crystallise his losses, to sell up to a new owner or owners and for the new owner(s) to appoint a CEO who has more vision than the current incumbent. Whatever changes are necessary, those changes must start at the very top. Unfortunately, I don't see any of that happening in the near future.
  20. Captain Grumpy

    Captain Grumpy Impact Sub
    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Never gone along with this we've been a 3rd 4th division club for most of our history so that's where we belong. Wigan spent most of the last century in non league but it's not where they belong now. In the last century up until early 70s we had a fierce City Avenue rivalry with both clubs pulling in 8/10 thousand but supporters detesting each other. This just led to split support along with Bradford Northern and both football clubs pulling each other down. Even now in Bradford I know so many people in Bradford who's dads were Avenue fanatics and they are now Leeds fans and Bradford Bulls fans with no love for City.
    We need the sort of ambition and belief that Richmond had in the 90s and yes I know his greed and hubris wrecked the club, but he gave Bradford City and their fans something to believe in, that we could be better. If only some entrepreneur could see what can still be achieved at City, the club could be pulled up by its bootlaces and still achieve what we did so successfully in the 90s.
    Wouldn't it be great to meet Rupp and Rhodes and put to them a plan which Rupp could afford and persuade him that long term he will get so much more for his investment by going for it rather than just treading water and hope for a cup run.
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