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Brexit - 2nd Referendum - The (Bradford City FC) Peoples Vote

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Haworth Bantam, Nov 15, 2018.


EU - In or Out

  1. Stay in - Better the devil you know

    39 vote(s)
  2. Get Out - I want to have my cake & eat it! - Boris Johnson

    43 vote(s)
  1. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Thought it would be fun given the spirited debate going on to see how people would vote if it goes to a 2nd vote?
  2. Offside

    Offside Impact Sub

    Apr 14, 2018
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    I voted out and remain a leaver , the unelected EU are showing their true colours . I actually think the EU will implode in the next couple of years with a lot of countries pulling out , maybe this is why Macron and Merkel are promoting a EU army , to " influence " future referendums .
  3. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Vote out, We are a cash machine for the EU and will be even more so to finance the new EU Army that France and Germany has proposed taking over defence policy from member nations ( Or states as the EU now calls them )
  4. Skyebantam

    Skyebantam Impact Sub

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Could start the break up of the UK that’s what concerns me most tbh. You could have a full on withdrawl and the turmoil that will create and then you can bet your bottom dollar what will come next, especially north of the border.

    I voted remain and have seen nothing to make me change my mind. Having said that, the vote was done, i just wish they’d get it sorted so they can get back to their proper day jobs. What happens in the future good or bad for normal people (and i’m suspecting the latter), the instigators of it all should not be forgotten.
    Bantamspaul likes this.
  5. Fuzzy

    Fuzzy Impact Sub

    May 9, 2018
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    As it stands I can't see the proposed deal getting through parliament which probably increases the chances of 2nd vote because there's no way that this government (not to mention parliament as a whole) has any appetite for a No Deal outcome.

    Any 2nd vote can't just be an in/out affair, because it needs to cover the 3 options on the table (stay in EU, leave with deal, leave without deal) so it'll probably have to be a 2 question ballot firstly to ascertain if people want to stay/leave and then if the outcome is still leave then it'll be a choice between the proposed deal or no deal.

    I wasn't a huge fan of a 2nd referendum but without a unified pro-Brexit party winning a clear majority at a snap GE then there's no other way of getting parliament to realistically agree to either of the 2 Leave options.
  6. Frank Castle

    Staff Member Moderator

    Apr 9, 2018
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    In my opinion that's why the EU are taking such a hard line with Brexit. We were ALWAYS going to be given a crappy deal because a good deal would mean other countries are likely to do the same and leave the EU. A bad deal and the collapse of the UK economy would put the frighteners on any country thinking of also leaving.
  7. Zonnebloem

    Zonnebloem Fringe Player

    Jun 3, 2018
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    With the first referendum, I doubt that many people had thoughts in their minds about
    the single market,
    the customs union,
    free movement of goods for just-in-time manufacturers,
    chaos and blockages at UK ports due to new requirements for customs and goods verifications,
    a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic,
    the break-up of the United Kingdom,
    the collapse of the pound,
    possible restrictions on your rights to travel to and buy property in Europe,
    the convenience of having free trade and movement of goods with our closest neighbours in the world's biggest trading bloc,
    the difficulties of negotiating alternative trade deals, with poorer and more distant countries,
    £36 billion of financial obligations to the EU.
    And many other issues that have come to light in the Brexit discussions

    What I am sure they DID have in mind were things like:
    £350m per day into the NHS (a lie)
    uncontrolled immigration (but the economy needs foreign workers and taxpayers in agriculture, the health service and service industries for example, faced with an ageing population)
    being told what to do by Brussels unelected bureaucrats.
    This where the biggest misunderstandings arise. Brussels is a city. I suppose they meant the EU, which is a collective of institutions. The decisions come from the Council of Ministers, which means the ELECTED governments of each of the member countries. Their decisions have to be approved by the European Parliament, which is directly ELECTED by the European people, or at least by those who can be bothered to turn out and vote. If you didn't vote, don't complain.
    The European Commission is the civil service tasked with applying and enforcing the decisions by Council and approved by Parliament. The 12 commissioners heading the Commission were all nominated by the elected governments to take charge of specific portfolios, for a limited period, to execute the Council's decisions.
    The European Commision institution is made up of SELECTED officials, who all had relevant qualifications, experience and passed entrance exams and interviews - like me. Jean-Claude Juncker and I have never told you what to do but simply underlined what is legal and permissible under legislation.
    To call any civil servant an unelected bureaucrat is true but silly and dismissive of anybody you know who works as a civil servant in the tax office, the DHSS, the transport department, local government, teaching etc etc.
    "Unelected bureaucrat" is just a stupid, empty, tub-thumping chant from the likes of the Daily Mail and the Express.

    I believe many people have learned a lot more since the first referendum and are now better informed about what they want and about what is best for the UK.

    Another thing: the first referendum offered 2 choices - remain or leave. In reality, these were not 2 choices. Remain was simple. As you were, remain in the EU, nothing changes
    Leave was a different matter. There was no single leave strategy. Some leavers argued that it would be advantageous to leave but idiotic to leave the single market and the customs union, others did not. Some looked at the Norway model, where they benefit from the single market access, pay into it but have no seat at the decision-making table. Some looked at Swiss or Canadian models, or Canada ++. Remain was a single option but I have seen it said that leave had 27 different permutations.
    I would say that Remain was already the biggest vote in the 1st referendum.
    brisbanebantams likes this.
  8. Storck

    Storck Regular Starter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    And if we don’t like the result we can have a third one
    Berkshire-bantam likes this.
  9. Storck

    Storck Regular Starter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Going to have to be quick with the deadline of end of March looming
  10. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    See I don’t think you can have a vote which doesn’t have just two options because there are too many options to vote on. If we need to have another vote it has to be a simple two option choice, stay or fully leave because if you start including all the softer brexit options we might end up with more people voting leave but the distribution between the types of leaving meaning remain is the single most popular option and then the same issues with unrest from the voters is going to exist. It needs kept simple and anyone who even tries to muddy the waters (Farage basically) should be arrested and thrown in prison for trying to manipulate a vote. We just can't have a situation where more people want to leave but because they can’t decide how they want to leave we stay. It needs one type of leaving clearly defined and that’s the only option any leavers have just as those who want to remain only have the choice of keeping the status quo (as I’m sure a lot of remainders ideally would have like to have voted on a stay but with reforms but didn’t get that option)
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  11. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Choice one is laughable, Remain "Better the devil you know" The EU is changing all the time and gets ever more powerful over its members for example it will soon create its own armed forces and take over defence decisions creating an EU Ministry of defence, Other powers will no doubt be passed as it strives to be the united states of Europe, The contributions the UK send to the EU will go up in the years to come, The gross contribution is £19 Billion this year (Around £266 for every person in the UK gross and £143 Nett ource ONS ) We pay less because we get a £5 Billon rebate and the EU spends another £4.4 BIllion on our behalf, Future payments are almost certain to increase quite a lot as the £5Billion rebate ends and the amount the EU demands goes up, The Better the devil you know comment should read Beware the devil you have no control over
    Utters0 and Idlebantam like this.
  12. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Trevor that's very binory with numbers that I reality mean nothing to you in that you aren't going to get a massive rebate when we stop being in the EU. Can I suggest you read the following article produced by experts.... although I appreciate we have spent the last 2 years ignoring facts and experts.

  13. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Another report based on nothing more than guesswork, Just like those that said the economy would tank on voting leave, It actually increased or the report we would each be thousands worse off if we did not join the Euro, Thes reports are heavily influenced by the opinion of the writer, They are far from fact
  14. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    The argument of the Brexiteer... we've heard enough of experts, we want our country back... (what does that even mean) and fishing and blue passports.

    Sorry Trevor fair play to you for sticking to the story despite all evidence seeming to say otherwise.

    We survived for 100s of years without the EU so why do we need it now... quite. We also survived without fire for millennia doesn't mean I'm going back to eating raw meat.
    Offside likes this.
  15. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Admire your blind faith that life in an ever changing and controlling EU will be better for us but we will have to disagree, The world is changing and the EU is a spent force ever controlling itself as the rest of the world expands, Our real future is outside and that is where our future prosperity lies, Despite economic guesses and reports that have and will prove wrong
  16. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    As I said, Brexiteers have had enough of experts we'd rather listen to slogans.

    Yes Britain will survive (maybe not the UK) but your basing your opinion on fairy dust and flying pigs. Nobody in the business/financial world of any notoriety supports the opinion we will better off after Brexit.
    Berniewrightbantam likes this.
  17. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    you should get out more, Lots of business support it,
  18. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    And they are.......
  19. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Actually you don't need to keep going I can Google as well as anyone, safe to say more supported remain, same with the experts who look into this (appreciate you don't want to listen to experts bit it's still there!)
  20. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Well if we can do trade deals ourselves then just like the boss of Aston Martin said on tv yesterday the exporters who sell to the rest of the world who make up around 60% of our exports would gain immensely from trade deals instead of having to pay immense ever growing bucket loads of cash to the EU
    Idlebantam likes this.

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