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Boris and Trump

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Park bantam, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    The struggle for some to comprehend the outcome of a vote with just two choices is amusing. See, had remain won, and they had plenty of time to rally the troops to make sure they did, the game would have been over. The leave voters disappear into obscurity and the EU carries on its merry way regardless of its practices being questioned. But unfortunately for this said organisation, the democratic right of the UK's citizens to vote on the subject has ensured this won't happen. Or thats whats supposed to happen. I still don't think we will ever leave, its like we've signed up to one of those cult religions where leaving isn't an option. If leave doesn't happen it will be the second time i've voted in my lifetime and it will be the last. I won't waste my time again.
    Idlebantam, Tony Wilkinson and Bronco like this.
  2. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I'll play my top trump card here, 'Took us into an illegal war while looking for mythical weapons of mass destruction resulting in the deaths of half a million people'. Good old Tony, showed his true colours in the end. Maybe we should ask how him and his wife have amassed a personal fortune of over £100 million between them? Nowt like a good war here and there to get the old bank account booming.
    YungNath likes this.
  3. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Illegal? when was that made official ? show me any court decision, That view is only in the mind of those that opposed it in a bizzare judgement,
    Half a million dead? It is estimated that Saddam was killing between half and one million of his own citizens every year and we now have a country changed from a terrorist country in to a stable one that has for the first time in its history had free and fair elections so Blair in fact SAVED millions of lives,
    What he earns is what he is worth to the person paying it and they judge his value in millions, No one forces them to pay it, Same as Corbyn who it has turned out is taking secret payments and will the same be paid millions, I am sure your talents are valued in the same way
    BTW while the EU and United Nations were holding meeting after meeting to decide what to do Blair sent our forces in to Sierra Leone and the Balkans and saved hundreds of thousands of innocent people threatened with extinction and genocide, The truth as much as you do not like it is that millions of people survived who would have been murdered due to the intervention of Tony Blair
    #103 trevor, Aug 1, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
  4. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    You crack me up sometimes Trev, although usually its not intentional. You’ll have to invite me to Planet Trevor one day it sounds like a really ‘interesting’ place.
    Tolly856 and YungNath like this.
  5. Yorkieman

    Yorkieman Impact Sub

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Actually that is a very important point you raise and I have to say I agree with you.
    YungNath likes this.
  6. Yorkieman

    Yorkieman Impact Sub

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I can agree to some extent, But the patronising way some remainers speak on TV, take QT for example, is terrible. Throwing accusations of racism at people is borderline libellous and far worse than anything leavers have called remainers.
    YungNath and Bronco like this.
  7. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Its not the planet, You need to open your eyes and take the blinkers off your mind and see the world as it really is
  8. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Yer alright Trev, i can see the world very clearly thank you. The establishment might pull the wool over the eyes of many but not me.
    YungNath likes this.
  9. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    What about the rise in hate crime? Or the fact right wing extremists are now a greater threat than radical islamic terrorism? it must hurt a lot to be called racist but because of some of the rhetoric of those involved with Leave certain sections of our society are now living in fear. As I said, equal on both sides.
  10. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    By keeping the question somewhat vague, it's allowed people to attach whatever narrative they want to the result and declare they have a mandate for this that and the other, when all people were asked is do you want to leave. What we should have done is had two votes, one on yes or no and if it was leave, how do you want to leave and would you accept a no deal brexit. They hoodwinked us all by reducing 40 odd years of intertwined legislation into a yes or no answer.
    Offcomedun likes this.
  11. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Trevor if you think Iraq is now a beacon of democracy, in the words of your mate Trump get yourself off and go live there. You;d soon be back. The govt is a shill, they have suicide bombings on the regular and is full of PMCs shooting the feck out of civilians because they aren't bound by the geneva convention in the same way as conventional military forces. Blair took us to war on a lie, if you're ok with our troops dying for a falsehood then its not the left that hates the military. Saddam was a very very nasty man, but one thing folks from Iraq say is he kept the nutcase extremists under control and look what we have now.

    To conflate Iraq with Sierra Leone and the Balkans is just daft Trevor, totally different contexts and in the Balkans and Sierra Leone, we had actual evidence of what was going on and Tony didn't need to lie to anyone. Interestingly, Corbyn is on record as saying he would prosecute Blair for war crimes should he get into power, which adds a bit of context as to why he gets hate from that wing of the party.
  12. Yorkieman

    Yorkieman Impact Sub

    Apr 8, 2018
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    'right wing extremists are now a greater threat than radical islamic terrorism'

    Are you for real? Seriously. That is a ridiculous thing to say. And it is an absolutele lie.


    It is pretty much a long list of Islamic terror reigned on people across the world and you can go back to any month you like. And it has been that way for DECADES.

    It is wrong that people like you are going round telling people these lies as there are gullible people out there that believe it. Luckily, most people have sufficient commonsense to be able to differentiate between outright lies and the obvious reality of the situation.
    Idlebantam likes this.
  13. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    Learn to ignore @YungNath@YungNath, weird doesn't even come in to it....
    Found his ballot paper..
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    #113 Tony Wilkinson, Aug 1, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
  14. Idlebantam

    Idlebantam Squad Player
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    Ask our overworked secret service who is the greater threat, pretty damned sure they will not agree with you
    Tony Wilkinson likes this.
  15. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    In 2016, Jo Cox, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Batley and Spen constituency was murdered by Thomas Mair, who was motivated by pro-Apartheid white nationalist, neo-Nazi far-right political views and had connections to several far-right organisations in the UK, US, and South Africa such as National Vanguard and English Defence League (EDL).[137]

    On 16 December 2016, Home Secretary Amber Rudd designated the far-right, neo-Nazi group National Action (NA) as a terrorist organisation which criminalises membership or support for the organisation.[138] On 12 June 2018, Jack Renshaw, 23, a former spokesperson for National Action, admitted in a guilty plea to buying a 48 cm (19 in) replica Roman gladius (often wrongly referred to in the media as a machete) to murder Rosie Cooper, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the West Lancashire constituency.[139]

    In June 2017, Darren Osborne drove a van into a crowd leaving a mosque in Finsbury Park, north London, killing one and injuring nine others. Darren Osborne had acquired far-right material from Tommy Robinson's Rnglish Defence League (EDL) and Jim Dowson and Jayda Fransen's Britain First Party (BF).[140][141]

    In March 2018, Mark Rowley, the outgoing head of UK counter-terror policing, revealed that four far-right terror plots had been foiled since the Westminster attack in March 2017.[142]

    In February 2019, an unnamed 33 year old was arrested in West Yorkshire "as part of an investigation into suspected extreme right wing activity".[143]

    I can quote stuff off wikipedia too
  16. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    So you've spoken to them have you?
  17. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Did you find that all by yourself? Well done mate!
  18. Yorkieman

    Yorkieman Impact Sub

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I think you need help my friend.

    What you are quoting is just not on the same scale. There are more Islamic terror related deaths PER DAY than everything you are talking about combined. They're on completely different scales.

    And we are not talking just the last year or two. Go back two decades and it is the same story. The numbers do not lie and the facts are everywhere.

    It is massively offensive that you are trying to compare and contrast these two things. No violence is acceptable, and all reasonable people agree with that, but do not try and minimize the sheer terror that Islamic ideology has inflicted on HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people worldwide and will, in all likelihood continue to inflict on the world for decades to come.
    Bronco and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  19. Stafford Bantam

    Stafford Bantam Captain
    Moderator P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 30

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Page 54 of the 'UK National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies' might help: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/644968/UK_National_Risk_Register_2017.pdf
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    Tony Wilkinson and Bronco like this.
  20. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I cannot tell you how much I disagree. I've never advocated violence, I've never minimised the threat we face from Islamic terror, my sincerely held opinion is that under the current political climate we are under greater threat from right wing extremism, as is proven to be the case in the US. If you look at the stats globally then there's just as much nasty shit going on in the name of God as there is Allah.

    As I've said, it's not just islamic terror it's organised religion as a whole. Hundreds of millions have been killed in the name of God the same as Allah, it's why I detest organised religion. Spirituality and religion in and of itself is a great source of comfort to many, yet when it gets organised the killing and intolerance of the other begins.
    #120 YungNath, Aug 2, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019

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