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Jake Young

Discussion in 'City Talk' started by Park bantam, May 20, 2022.

  1. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    McCall was poor in training allegedly. He had a bust up with the then Scottish hair dryer manager and stormed out of training one day after a row over his lack of effort. You would never drop him as he always gave 100% in the game but less dso it appears in training
  2. Fordy117

    Fordy117 Just call me Mr Flip-Flop!
    Bubbles car wash

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Yeah, but McCall had clear talent (I believe)
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  3. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    You are right but the principle of the best trainers not been the best performers is correct and Young may be one
  4. Birky Bantam

    Birky Bantam Impact Sub
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    May 15, 2018
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    He also performed in games and made himself undroppable whereas Young hasn't, he's been hit and miss when playing
    Wakefield Bantam likes this.
  5. Carts #CTID

    Carts #CTID Fringe Player

    Oct 27, 2018
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    Why is this player being continuously frozen out of the team? He’s a good player and scored some great goals in the short time we’ve seen him in action. Signed from FG league two champions. I could understand Hughes arrogance if we were winning every week by two goals but we are struggling in 8th and blatantly ignoring someone who could make a difference given the chance. We signed him, he needs playing!
  6. JonButterfield

    JonButterfield Star Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Big squad blues.

    Wouldn't mind seeing him head out on loan unless Vadaine Oliver leaves (which is a real possibility IMO).

    He needs to be getting some form of game time at his age. He's been in the same boat Harratt was before we cut him loose.
    Carts #CTID likes this.
  7. FloB

    FloB Breakthrough Prospect

    Oct 12, 2022
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    imo it would just make more sense to use a 21 year old striker with potential as an impact sub than a 28 year old and a 31 year old with less goal contributions but likely way higher wages.
    Carts #CTID likes this.
  8. Gardscoigne

    Gardscoigne Squad Player

    Apr 19, 2018
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    When I’ve seen Jake Young earlier in the season he struck me as a player who had golden moments but often went missing for large chunks of games.
    He’s more of a hit and miss player, whereas it’s becoming evident Hughes prefers consistent players. Not that I agree with that approach, especially when some of those players are consistently average.
    Young is a bit of a game changer which I think most of us would agree we are crying out for.
    It is what it is though, Hughes clearly isn’t keen for whatever reason so makes sense for him to go out on loan. Whether we agree or not.
  9. Ulysses S Grant

    Ulysses S Grant Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 12, 2018
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    To be honest, some of Hughes's decisions are baffling me to the point where I have little confidence in him taking us up this season.
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  10. Carts #CTID

    Carts #CTID Fringe Player

    Oct 27, 2018
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    I believe one of main attributes of a good manager is keeping an open mind. We see it time and time again from different managers (not just ours), whether it’s style or play, formation or team selections - flogging a dead horse and being stubborn at the detriment of the club - my way or no way attitude. And ofcourse the excuses are much the same everytime the team fails to win - “We need to be more clinical in front of goal” “we didn’t take our chances” “we will work on this on the training ground” So frustrating!
    Onside and Jayteebee like this.
  11. Birky Bantam

    Birky Bantam Impact Sub
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    May 15, 2018
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    Hughes has already explained that Young isn't performing in training so if it isn't then he shouldn't in the squad. I never understand why just because a manager doesn't do what the fans what it makes them stubborn.
    I think a lot of people have selective memory of Young's performances and blocking out performances where he did nothing
    CRASS, Bronco, Rogered Tart and 4 others like this.
  12. Carts #CTID

    Carts #CTID Fringe Player

    Oct 27, 2018
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    Maybe Young has a long face about not being called upon. Hughes has openly admitted he gets personally “irritated” with people being glum around the place.

    From Youngs perspective, the team aren’t winning, we are now out of the play offs and still he’s not getting a chance. At 21 I think most would struggle not being “glum”.

    “I have had conversations, not only with the strikers but with almost all the guys who have been out of the team,” said Hughes.

    “There are a few glum faces when they don’t make the match-day squad.

    “The reality is that none of them have done anything wrong.

    “Sometimes I have to explain that it’s not because they haven’t trained well or presented themselves well or adhered to what we’re about.

    “It’s none of those things, it’s just circumstances and the context of the game.”

    Competition to be named among the seven substitutes has been tough and Hughes has sympathy for those who have missed out.

    “The bench is a situation where you’ve got to cover all bases. Sometimes you pick guys with variety or the option to play in different positions.

    “Sometimes the likes of Levi (Sutton) will get the nod over somebody who is more specific. It is difficult.

    “The make-up of the bench ebbs and flows but it’s all about giving me as many options as I can possibly have, determined by how many scenarios I have in my mind that the game will present.

    “It isn’t always possible to get everybody on the bench. Ideally, I’d prefer to have more options like in the Premier League (who can name nine) - we had more subs in the Carabao Cup.

    “That made it easier for me in terms of the options I had and the ability to keep people happy.”

    Hughes insists that he has faith in all of his players and made it clear that everyone has a part to play.

    He added: “We’ve had examples where somebody has gone out of the team and I’ll make a direct replacement.

    “I’ll put somebody who hasn’t been in the matchday squad straight in the team because I trust them to do that specific role.

    “It’s not easy when everybody’s fit but they are all part of what we are doing.

    “We always integrate everybody. It’s not as if the ones that are not involved are in a little corner of the field and we’re ignoring them.

    “It can be the most difficult part of management if you’ve got the wrong personalities or types who don’t deal with that situation they find themselves in as well as they should do.

    “It’s all about being professional. The reality is you may be disappointed but day in, day out you’ve got to do your work and be ready for when you are called upon.

    “If you do that, you are likely to get more chances because then you don’t irritate the manager by being glum around the place. I think everybody understands how it works.”
    JonButterfield likes this.
  13. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Get the first eleven right then the bench becomes less important ..
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    Kevin1954 and Carts #CTID like this.
  14. Park bantam

    Park bantam Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant

    Apr 9, 2018
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    The trouble is these Squad players only get a few minutes here and there and it takes time to play into form and show what they can bring to the table
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    Carts #CTID likes this.
  15. ModernBantam

    ModernBantam Fringe Player

    Dec 18, 2021
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    He might be de-motivated given the dross that get game-time in front of him.

    Does Hughes value training performances more than game performance? Gilliead must be great at sprints
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  16. Sergio Pinto III

    Sergio Pinto III Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Angol is horrific and offers nothing. Id be glum if that waste of space was continously picked ahead of me.
  17. bantam2708

    bantam2708 Squad Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 Winner

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I like Young - all the goals he's scored for us have been excellent in their own right and he seems to make something out of nothing.

    I also agree with Hughes though, his general play is a bit sloppy and he does lose the ball in some poor areas due to bad decision making or just not releasing the ball quick enough. He's also not great at the defensive side of things but wasn't helped by Hughes playing him at LWB a few times in the pizza cup.

    He is a player we need to persist with, because if he tidies up the easier parts of his game, he could be an excellent player.
  18. Ulysses S Grant

    Ulysses S Grant Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 12, 2018
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    Totally agree re Angol. He's shown nothing this season to say he can influence a game, unlike Oliver who has but has also suffered through only being given ten minutes here and there. If Young isn't good enough why the hell did we sign him (ditto East). We have dropped out of the top seven, Gilliead and Smallwood aren't working and neither is the 4231 but Hughes refuses to change it at home.

    The issue is, if we don't start winning at home he will lose the crowd and that is what all managers since Parky have suffered. You won't get promoted by winning 30% of your home matches.
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  19. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Probably not 'safe' enough for Hughes. These forwards who try and take opponents on and gets shots away.... no place for that here sunshine.
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    Sergio Pinto III and Onside like this.
  20. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    He has goals in him but it's hard to see where he in fits in Hughes 4-2-3-1. Not a wide player who takes on a full back nor what you would say is a creator.

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