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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Park bantam, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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  2. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 9, 2018
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  3. Bronco

    Bronco Star Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 Top 30

    Apr 8, 2018
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  4. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    In what way does Farage literally saying he would rather the market deal with our healthcare than the NHS help your point further?
  5. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    A lot of shit has happened, is happening already or is about to happen and we haven't even left yet. Its shagging the arse out of manufacturing, do you think these companies getting into trouble at the moment (British Steel) and/or getting the feck out of the UK (Several now starting to divest) while they can are doing it for the laugh? Or do you think the prospect of how shit Brexit is going to make things is scaring them off?

    I worked in the UK car industry for 2 and a bit years, specifically relating to importing parts from Europe and dealing with the supply chain on a daily basis. I can tell you unequivocally from experience, BREXIT WILL feck THAT RIGHT UP FOR EVERYONE.

    What about the Dyson guy that said how great the UK doing a brexit was then moved his operation to Singapore?

    What about the 350m a week? We've gone from that to we may have to privatise the NHS. Its funny how older folk who've enjoyed the NHS free at the point of use for life now are totally fine with younger folk having to get insurance instead.

    Between you and Tony I've now asked several questions and all either of you has said is project fear. YOU VOTED FOR IT, NOW EXPLAIN WHY ITS GOING TO BE BETTER USING FACTS INSTEAD OF DAFT NATIONALISTIC TWADDLE.
  6. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    1, As the 5th largest economy in the world we need no help from the EU to negotiate in our own best interests, The world wants to trade with the UK on a tariff free basis only the EU stops us doing this because all trade tariffs are paid to the EU coffers,

    2,We can control immigration from any country OUTSIDE the EU, One of the conditions of membership is that any person may live and work in any EU country, Therefore the UK CANNOT control immigration from the EU as hundreds of thousand came with uncontrolled immigration with a right to live and work here. Nothing to do with Schengen which allows travel between EU countries without documentation, We have never been part of it and insist on the use of passports as with other countries outside the EU as do the Irish Republic and some others

    3, If we take back control we can set our own destiny and yes hopefully get nearer to the USA who are our largest single trading partner as a single country, The one country that supports us when needed and fights by our side in times of conflict, The USA has and always will be a better friend to the UK than any in the EU
    #906 trevor, Jun 3, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
    Bronco and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  7. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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  8. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 9, 2018
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    * And we ain't even left yet, stop panicking, chill and enjoy life.....
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    Bronco and trevor like this.
  9. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I'm sorry, does the rest of the world unanimously agree on that? What agreement has the rest of the world made where it says they want to trade with us on a tariff free basis and its that darned EU thats stopping them. Can you eve quote one world leader who's even said anything close? Because I can show at least a few countries who've said already they're going to try screw us more now we're going it alone (Japan for one). Correct me if I'm wrong, but the EU actually negotiated tariff free trade for the bloc in at least 36 separate deals. The tariff argument is silly also because our largest trading partner IS EUROPE, WHICH WE GET TARIFF FREE ACCESS TO BY BEING IN THE EU. So if we were to get all these magic trade deals because we had an empire once, the gains would be comfortably wiped out by having to pay tariffs on trade in Europe.

    If we interpreted the EU rules as they are only people with nailed on jobs can come here. We have the right to refuse more or less anyone else. This has been one of the greatest political lies of our era and one politicians on all sides should be ashamed of. Them using immigration as a political football has led to where we are now with immigration, not some technocrat called Hans in Brussels.

    Set our own destiny? What the feck does that even mean? Honestly up there with Red White and Blue Brexit in the pointless platitude stakes. The country that dragged us into Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc etc. The country who has already gone on record saying if we want a trade deal, we need to prepare to sell part or all of the NHS and lower things like food standards. They manipulated and used us a stooge in the EU to veto legislation they didn't like and did so for years. We actually have also been the biggest barrier to progress in the EU as we're well known to vote down pretty much anything good that they tried to do if it wasn't suicidal free marketeering. If you think I'm just making this up, go look into how Cameron voted in Europe when he was PM.

    The point being is people are completely justified in their anger, however a few clever demagogues have successfully misdirected that anger at the wrong targets by pandering to people's baser instincts and inciting hatred of the other.
  10. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    4.1 million children in poverty.
    Wages lower than 2008, especially for the young.
    Record levels of household debt (Wonder where all that recession bank debt went ey? )
    Tories have massaged employment figures through zero hours contracts. Look at the increase in proportion to full time salaried positions. That's where your jobs boom is, in zero hours jobs in TK Maxx which is way more solid than something daft like manufacturing isnt it?
    Productivity lags behind most other similar countries and is in fact decreasing,
    Manufacturing sector in recession
    170k dead from austerity
    record levels of food bank use
    record homelessness
    fecking boris is still about
  11. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    You should change your reading material as you are misinformed on most, No one from the EU needs a job to live in the UK, They do need to gain employment within 6 months or we can insist they return but nothing to stop them coming back so we do not enforce it,
    The EU sets a price as a member and that you cannot do trade deals with anyone else even if offered a free trade deal as the USA has offered we cannot do it without leaving the EU, But when left we will have free trade deals with the EU, The USA, India, China etc, In fact we will have a trade deal with Billions instead of millions, The deals will be done because money and business talks, The EU is the biggest block on free trade in the world and protects its markets to the detriment of free trade but gains Billions from the tariffs on outside trade.
    The US is and always be our biggest ally both in trade and in the world general, No one forced us in to war it was our own free will and the right thing to do in the long run and saved many Millions of lives, The UK and the USA always strive to do the best for the world freeing those in tyranny and feeding the worlds poorest,
  12. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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  13. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Yes Labour really fecked the country up leaving the government no choice but to cut the borrowing a reckless Labour government built up, The Left brought the country to its knees, you seem to be blaming the cure for the illness
  14. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    He is right in that the NHS is rapidly becoming not fit for purpose providing poor healthcare as one of the worst provider of outcomes for patients in the modern world
    It kill thousand of patients every year through miss treatment and covers up its own failings, It need to be privatised but free at the point of use,
    BTW the NHS has never been nationalised as it has always relied on the private sector for supplies and services with a massive administration, Plus your GP has never been anything other than self employed and not employed by the health service direct
  15. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Its a right to live and work, if they arent coming to work then essentially they have no right to be here, successive govts just felt it easier to blame europe and in New Labours case it was an actively political choice to let so many in

    . So you think that we do 0 trade already with all these countries? Where will this extra trade come from that we've yet to discover? Leaving the EU means in the v short term at least if the nutcase no dealers get their way, more not less tariffs. We do billions of pounds of trade with these already so where would the extra come from given if we left no deal, we'd be on higher tariffs on WTO rules?

    We will always be the USA's biggest pet poodle until people like you realise America looks out for America and nobody else. For people who say Corbyns a fuzzy headed idiot you're incredibly ignorant of the realities of geopolitics. Especially now with Trump in charge, forget anything you think you knew about the US and prepare to deal with someone who'll happily grease us up and feck us hard if it suits his ends, which in this case it will do.
  16. Bronco

    Bronco Star Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 Top 30

    Apr 8, 2018
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    A Labour supporter I guess ?.
    You quoted "Its funny how older folk who've enjoyed the NHS free at the point of use for life now are totally fine with younger folk having to get insurance instead", us old folk who have contributed all there working lives, what you on about younger folk having to get insurance instead, I have two daughters and one grandson all working and contributing paying tax's none have taken private insurance out, project fear again, if they need a doctors appointment they ring up and either see a doctor or get a triage telephone call, maybe you need to change doctors if there charging you ?.
  17. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    And that's because of the disastrous Lansley reforms that created the CCGs, funnily enough to mirror how private US healthcare companies operate in readiness for this bit. They're breaking the system so people like you will say look it's now broken and needs to be privatised, then it's game over for the rest of us.
  18. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    They aren't but the amount of older people I've encountered with the why shouldnt they pay for it attitude is astonishing. Nope, I hate politicians of all stripes as they've contributed to a collective intellectual decline in the electorate where people aren't even capable of voting in their own self interest. Which isn't to say people are stupid, but the lack of critical thought/analysis is shocking to be honest.
  19. YungNath

    YungNath Impact Sub

    Apr 9, 2018
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    If I'm project fear what was 350m for the NHS? Project Bullshit? The thing is Bronco, I'm not trying to scare you. I don't care whether you're terrified or not, thats entirely your perogative. I'm just pointing out the inaccuracies and asking searching questions, of which you and your boyos here answered with:

    - We get to make our own destiny

    - Project Fear

    - Project Fear again

    - A joke in incredibly poor taste

    - Project Fear

    I can provide sources and evidence to back my claims up mate, I don't deal in fear mongering. What can you back yours up with?
  20. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Depends on your vision of standards for treatment, Labour has always believed the NHS as an employment service rarther than for patients that have been treated at the lowest cost possible ignoring outcomes and whether it actually cured anyone,
    I recently went through the NHS to the private Spire hospital charging the same rate as the NHS for the operation, Private room with tv and a private bathroom, A choice of surgeon that came to talk to me before and after with dedicated nursing team and chef prepared meals, My friend not so lucky as went in the NHS in a ward of ten with noise and a surgeon he saw once and nurses he never saw twice and were to busy anyway to nurse him and the meals were disgusting that relatives had to bring him in food,
    The NHS was a good idea and has helped millions but has now served its time and should be broken up and privatised on an insurance basis like the rest of the other countries who provide far better healthcare than the NHS

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