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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Park bantam, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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  2. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    When it comes to brexit you are right. Im well angry about the costs to my pocket and the countrys future prospects. Across all other threads and life in general its quite the opposite.

    You on the other hand are a putin apologist, xenophobe, racist and very much far right in your views. That tells us a lot about your sense of self, your need to be in a group and desire for order and hegemony. Your own sense of assurance faltered somewhere along the way.
  3. Tony Wilkinson

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 P.L.24/25 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10 Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Hello, he's back, Mr Charming ......
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Has nurse not turned up to take you to bed yet?
    Craven Cottager likes this.
  5. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    :joy: what a load of unsubstantiated nonsense. Putin is well within his right to look after his country and not surrender to NATO aggression. Though it is sad that Ukraine is just a pawn in the west’s ploy against Russia. No idea where the other unsubstantiated accusations come from Mr Angry. [DELETED - Mod]
    #4725 bantamlad92, Mar 15, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2023
  6. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Lets add homophobic to the list

    Youre a disgrace - Ukraine a pawn haha
  7. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Homophobic how exactly? If anything that can be thrown back at you if you're suggesting it would have been ok for me to say your missus as opposed to your fella.

    Ukraine is a massive pawn. We, the USA, and the west in general don't give a cahoot about the Ukraine on a political level - you only have to look at our lack of response to Crimea, or the previous mainstream agenda against Ukrainian nazism prior to this current "invasion" to know that. This is all just out of fear of Russia and to ensure the west is never superseded as a dominant world power by Russia.

    From a Sporting level, Russia were still allowed to host the world cup, major cup finals, as well as compete in everything as normal despite the annexation of Crimea. There wasn't a great deal of condemnation after that was there.

    Of course once it becomes apparent; i.e once the main stream narrative changes; it'll become a bit more clearer for you and others who don't have the ability to think for themselves.

    An inconvenient truth is that our xenophobic actions towards all things Russia have caused any 'cost of living crisis', not your beloved Brexit.
    Briggus likes this.
  8. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Lord Haw Haw
  9. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    What you consistently ignore is that this isn't just about Ukraine.
    It's perfectly obvious to everyone but you that Putin won't stop at Ukraine if he's allowed to win there. Next it will be Moldova, then the Baltic States via his puppet in Belarus. Even Poland isn't safe unless the west remains strong.
    There is a string of ex- communist bloc states who have decided that they want to be part of the western group of modern democratic states rather than subserviants of the Russian autocracy. That's entirely their prerogative and not for Putin to have any say over.
    Defending Ukraine is partly to repel Putin's illegal invasion, but it's equally about the defence of democracy against an imperialist, expansionist dictatorship.
    RCarol, Tony Wilkinson and Bronco like this.
  10. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    This is just complete made up nonsense. I don't even know what else to say to that, except that this is just plain false.

    What is perfectly obvious to anyone who has any sort of impartial view of the situation is that NATO have been goading Russia for many-a-year and this is their own doing.

    If Russia, or any other army, decided to surround the UK, do you not think we would respond?
  11. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    It's not made up nonsense at all. Russia has installed a puppet regime in Belarus. It had one in Ukraine until the Ukrainian electorate kicked it out, much to Putin's horror. How dare they? Putin's Russia is currently doing in Moldova what it did in Georgia and Ukraine - sending agents in to foment unrest and encouraging breakaway regions as an excuse to go in and 'liberate' them at some future date. Left to his own devices, there's no doubt that Putin would annex the whole of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova in a heartbeat. He does not recognise that these countries have a sovereign right to choose who to align themselves with and what form of government to have. He does not even recognise their right to be separate states - simply regarding them as regions of Russia.

    Whose fault is it that many of these ex-Soviet states have chosen to become part of the EU and/or NATO? They have done so because they see those memberships as their best guarantee of not being swallowed up again into the Russian 'sphere of influence'. Most of those ex-Soviet countries only joined NATO after Putin invaded Crimea and installed puppet regimes in Donbas. They saw the writing on the wall and acted accordingly.
    Putin is on record as regarding the fall of the Soviet Union as "The greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century". However, those countries that have managed to extricate themselves from Russian tyranny, unsurprisingly, don't share that view, so they've done what they believe to be necessary to protect themselves against re-colonisation by Putin's Russia. And who can blame them?

    As for your suggestion that NATO is surrounding Russia. Take a look at a map sometime.



    Only about 10% of Russia borders European countries. Of that 10%, only Estonia and Latvia of the NATO countries have a significant border with Russia. Of course that proportion is about to get bigger when Finland joins NATO, but that is entirely Putin's fault. Finland (and Sweden) had no plans to join NATO until Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and threw their security into doubt.

    In the 90s/early 2000s Russia had its chance to become part of the western family of democratic nations. Unfortunately it fell back into the hands of the ex-Soviet/KGB mafia who never accepted the fall of the USSR or the loss of its satellite states. Faced with Putin's obvious (to everyone but you) expansionist designs those states have chosen to align with the west. That's no one's fault except Russia's.
  12. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I thought "soverunty" was what you brexit types wanted. Im guessing giving it up to the indo pacific region will anger you just as much?
  13. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Absolute madness. What a sh!teshow this is. This government is making it ridiculously difficult for ordinary musicians to come here and for ours to play in Europe. Many have given up trying because the red tape is so unclear and onerous. Pointless nonsense.
  14. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Why should musicians get special treatment?
  15. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    The music business is one of this county's greatest successes. Our pop/rock/r&b/rap etc artists are second only to the USA in world popularity. But up and coming artists need easy access to venues and tours to learn and hone their craft if we are to maintain our position.
    This industry earns billions for this country in exports, tourism etc. But, at the same time, the venues that nurture these creative artists are struggling financially.
    It's utter madness to make it harder for our musicians to make money touring the continent and for continental artists to come here and make money for our venues. It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  16. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Did you honestly want this from brexit? That europeans are refused work visas when there is a clear reason to work?

    Did you want us to only listen to UK orchestras and UK bands? Seems a bit odd
    Offcomedun likes this.
  17. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Don't get hysterical over one instance, international artists play in the UK every single day.
    Bronco likes this.
  18. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I was asking for your opinion. And clearly they dont as per the articles. Hard not to miss the point but well done.
  19. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    The propaganda from both sides on main stream media in their respective countries is eye opening. War sucks but this isn't a one sided story.
    bantamlad92 likes this.
  20. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    They really do. You must be brain dead if you think international artists don't play in the UK daily.

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