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Most liked posts in thread: Hughes SACKED

  1. bailiff bridge bantam

    P.L.22/23 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I may go Xmas shopping with @knaresborough bantam@knaresborough bantam and his wife now.
  2. banbrotam

    banbrotam Impact Sub

    Apr 14, 2018
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    Sad he's gone, because he's a very likeable chap.

    But even I've started to worry, with some of his recent decisions.

    He's basically shafted Kelly, i.e. come over as a potential L2 centre half, oh no I want you to play in a three, oh no you're a bit crap at that so out you go.

    And poor Tulloch must wonder what day of the week it is. The only one with a semblance of creativity against Walsall, gets us the penalty gets hauled off. Get subbed for the next match, gets on as a sub and then gets subbed. MADNESS!!

    Not saying he's a world beater, but just shows Hughes muddled thinking and I think he's glad it's ended.
  3. bailiff bridge bantam

    P.L.22/23 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Who’s gonna do all the set piece coaching now that Hodges has gone?
  4. JimmyBantam

    JimmyBantam Impact Sub
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    May 29, 2018
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    The news disappoints me personally, but certainly doesn't surprise me.

    I've said it before and I will say it again. Hughes brought progress to the club, whilst acknowledging he made mistakes along the way - which manager doesn't? When a manager has demonstrated he is capable of taking the club forward and when the inevitable bad patch hits - which it certainly has - the club, fans, players and manager need to stick together and work through the tough period and come out the other side better for it.

    Remember Parkinson's 1 win in 21 games? Did we sack him? No. Did the club stick by him and work through the tough patch? Yes. What happened? We finished the season strongly and laid the foundations for a play-off finish the following season. A more recent example for everyone is Neil Harris at Gillingham. Dreadful first half to the season, could easily have been sacked - particularly with the arrival of a new owner - but wasn't. Yes, he was given money in Jan but he was valued by the club despite results, shown faith and he's improved them massively.

    Afraid to say the current ownership and senior leadership of Bradford City have once again failed to learn their lesson. The sack and hire culture doesn't work. I just hope they get 'lucky' on this occasion as it smacks of knee jerk actions to me.

    Given the rubbish we fans have had to witness during the last few years I don't blame the fans for their anger, it's our right at the end of the day. The club however, need to stand up to that with clear messaging about how the situation is being managed. It could have been nipped in the bud, or at least softened.

    Hey ho, we jump on the merry-go-round again. Let's strap ourselves in. Are we going to strike it lucky this time? It certainly seems directionless.
  5. Kevin1954

    Kevin1954 Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    After digesting the news , I didn’t read the forum last night so first found the news this morning.

    I know a bit about employment law so my thoughts.

    This strongly suspect has been going on for days and certainly didn’t happen overnight, perhaps several days in the making? The clues are in the public domain already.

    Both MH and GH, were contracted , have agents and legal representatives and as a result a legal agreement will have had to have been reached in terms of the termination with City’s legal representatives ( Not Sparks or Rupp) acting on behalf of the club. This will probably include discussions on Resign or be Sacked. I would be surprised if the option to resign wasn't offered . That we will never know?

    Simultaneously and in parallel, an agreement will have to be reached with K.Mc and to a lesser extent with MT . Initial discussions would take place between Sparks / Individuals however once again legal issues and contract enhancements would have to be drawn up and agreed , again by agents and legal representatives.

    I genuinely believe MH knew before Tuesdays game that he was being relieved of his post. On that basis it may explain why he didn’t shy away from applauding the supporters at the end? Some of the responses from the fans really wasn’t necessary in hindsight.

    I really wish he could have succeeded for himself and for us as a “ club” , however Sparks has not shied away from the correct decision . It must have been a tough one to make for himself and the owner.

    I wish MH and GH the best for the future.
  6. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    With the points you mention it was a big decision to sack Hughes so early in the season. In an ideal world Hughes gets a chance make the jigsaw pieces fit like he probably thought would happen but I'm not sure I've seen such a haphazard pre season at the club, failing in the playoffs then completely changing your methods to a different mindset and recruiting accordingly. Then going back to exactly the same formation that saw you hit the playoffs but without really addressing the reasons as to why that method wasn't successful. All that in eleven games.
    I know I read on here regularly trust in (insert manager) and that who are us mere fans to question a manager with such a record in football.
    But jeez man Hughes just didn't help himself, I'm not sure he ever got to grips with the limitations a league 2 budget gives to a playing squad lower league football really ain't that complicated as Parky showed.
  7. Petrov

    Petrov Squad Player

    Apr 29, 2018
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    I said earlier today that seeing how Smallwood performed was the thing I was most interested in seeing and he didn't disappoint. I have always thought he was a poor captain with a sulky attitude but I'm starting to wonder now if that was because he never really believed in what Hughes was asking him to do but he had to be professional and follow his gaffer's instructions.
  8. Smartmart

    Smartmart Impact Sub

    May 1, 2018
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    TBH I was happy when hughes got appointed. It was the best feel good factor we’ve seen in years at city. Sad it all turned to sh!t
  9. bailiff bridge bantam

    P.L.22/23 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 13, 2018
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    A few reasons have been offered as to why, but the move to 3 at the back was just baffling with the players he had.
    trevor, JudgeMental, Bronco and 2 others like this.
  10. gingercafu

    gingercafu Fringe Player

    Dec 31, 2022
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    Need to bring in a experienced football person to oversee the process to recruit the next manager.
  11. JonButterfield

    JonButterfield Star Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Seconded :worried:
  12. Keefly Bantam

    Keefly Bantam Important Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter P.L. 20/21 Top 20

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Quote from Sparks:
    “I would ask supporters to join me in wishing both them and their families the very best for the future, while reflecting on some of the memorable moments they brought us.”

    Banks substitution at Carlisle springs to mind.
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  13. Petrov

    Petrov Squad Player

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Thirded. Gutted it didn't work out.
  14. Lard Arse

    Lard Arse Impact Sub
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 13, 2018
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    10M swimming
  15. Birky Bantam

    Birky Bantam Impact Sub
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    May 15, 2018
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  16. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Without change at the very top, whoever we appoint will be another case of throwing sh*t at a wall and hoping it sticks.
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  17. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Don't worry, there's no room for mediocrity at this club.
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  18. Ollylondonbantam

    Ollylondonbantam Squad Player

    Apr 16, 2018
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    The point of the question isn’t about Macdonald or Trueman - it’s more to highlight that yet again under the ownerships regime we find ourselves at a managerial change after a highly speculative previous manager hasn’t worked AGAIN!

    I hope this decision has come with a plan of a quick turnaround of a replacement and some sort of plan but i have doubts based on experience to date.

    Essentially my sentiments and feeling of our club are pretty low based on where we find ourselves right now. Did Hughes have to go? yes, probably he did. Does it make this scenario we find ourselves any more optimistic? For me, not much……..

    Hope I’m proved wrong - but we feel like a club in free fall seriously lacking any sort of a plan and need a leader to get a grip.
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    Ponty City, Dennis, Bronco and 2 others like this.
  19. River_City_Bantam

    River_City_Bantam Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    It had to be done, but there's no joy in seeing it done. As I posted on another thread, Hughes was one of only 6 permanent managers we've had with a 40% or higher winning percentage, and a losing percentage of 30% or lower. Last year was a much-needed improvement, but with a feeling of under-achievement; the playoffs were poorly handled; and this year has been a great disappointment. And that's before we get into the question of recruitment. Sadly, Hughes did not give me the confidence that he could turn it around, and the accumulation of problems meant he had to go.

    I just wish the club's statement would have been that they were now looking for a DOF/Head of Football Operations who would then oversee the hiring of a new manager. I suppose though that mid-season is not the time for so dramatic a change, but I have little confidence in the current hierarchy suddenly becoming good at football decisions. Oh for a good organisational structure!

    Nathan Jones would probably be my top candidate.

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    Bigrod, Bronco, Onside and 2 others like this.
  20. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    The only sad thing is the way this club is currently being run. An absolute shambles. I've nothing personal against Hughes, no one will ever know if he could have turned it around. But he didn't help himself and as i've said before his pathetic approach to the playoffs meant a poor start this season would put added pressure on.
    This notion he came out with before the end that he was trying things out with players not used was ludicrous, he'd no need to be experimenting after being here for 100 games, he should have known his style and the players to fit it.
    So no sympathy whatsoever from me. My only worry now is the guy hiring and firing managers on a regular basis, lets hope beyond hope this time we actually do some proper due dilligence and not just notice a football legends CV in his spam folder.
    Last chance saloon Sparks, FFS get it right this time cos i'm bored of it.
    Budgie, Ponty City, Onside and 2 others like this.
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