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England v Aussies Cricket Tests

Discussion in 'General Sport' started by Onside, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. bailiff bridge bantam

    Euro 2020

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Broad to get Warner one last time?
    Dennis likes this.
  2. Storck

    Storck Regular Starter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    BazBall is all well and good but if we keep bowling slow it means we lose matches. Maybe a bit more speed between overs and we could have got results in some of the games that have ended up as draws.
  3. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Fantastic end to a superb series.

    Broad takes the winning wicket as well as hitting the last ball of his last inning for six. You couldn't make it up.

    Aussies retain the Ashes but it feels like we were the moral victors. The momentum was was with us from Headingley onwards and had it not been for the Old Trafford washout we could have won the series 3-2.
  4. NorthernMonkey

    P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I think there's no doubt that we've been the better side over the series and without the rain even the most ardent Aussie fan would be hard pressed to suggest anything other than an England win in Manchester.
    Jayteebee likes this.
  5. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    It was an enjoyable series and England should have won.
    As a aside, I wonder how many games in the 100 the Northern Superchargers star man Ben Stokes will play.
    I'll predict none.
  6. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    I agree that we've been the better side overall and probably should have won at least one of the first two tests.
    However, on reflection, I think the Aussies can consider themselves unlucky in the last test. Yes, they were totally dominated by us on day three, but Khawaja and Warner had us on the rack on Sunday until the rain intervened - the early finish came at a great time for us.
    And the ball change was bizarre and I can understand why some Aussies are pretty sore about it. The umpires replaced a dull worn ball that was doing nothing with an obviously newer one that was shiny, still had some lettering on and was still bouncing and hooping at the end of the following day. A very bizarre decision that massively favoured us.
    Allotment Bantam likes this.
  7. Get Rid Of It

    P.L. 20/21 Top 20 Supporter

    Apr 25, 2018
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    The umpires should have asked the aussie batsmen if they wanted the replacement ball sandpapering.

    Did not see the incident but i take it a white box of used balls was brought to the umpires and agreed upon which to use.
    I do enjoy the aussies feeling sore about it, karma and all that.
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    Jayteebee likes this.
  8. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    I will answer my own question, our star man played 0.
    Still considered fit enough to keep Harry Brook out of the England team, even with one knee.

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