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Most liked posts in thread: Election 2019 (with Prediction Poll)

  1. Hulmebantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Good post.

    Layer on top the issue of how public money is spent (or squandered inefficiently) and you have the basis for what the election should be about.

    Prime example: my daughter's school became part of an academy two years ago. Across the four schools it became necessary to have an Executive Head, an Academy Business Manager and an additional administrator. So about £200k of public money funnelled into that, rather than being invested in children's education. No real accountability or scrutiny.

    There does need to be radical thinking about our public services and potentially some difficult decisions. We have to be realistic about an ageing population. However, we are adding to the costs being borne elsewhere in society through chronic underfunding of social care, health, education and the police.

    The debate about more or less public expenditure misses the point. It needs to be what, why and then how. I fear Labour get obsessed with the how and that the Tory approach will lead to more examples of what I cited above.
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  2. bantam65

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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  3. Tolly856

    P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 15, 2018
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    Corbyn- as a lot of politicians do- has a cult following where he can say and do no wrong. Some of his ideas are good and plausible whilst others seem like pure fantasy but I like that he atleast wants to make positive, tangible changes that will benefit us. CONservative's (snigger) on the hand have made cut after cut and tripled the national debt whilst doing it.

    Really though, It's not so much that I'm against anyone who disagrees with Corbyn's outlook, these things are subjective. It's the idea that he's some sort of violent endorsing, incompetent fool who can't tie his shoelaces whilst the Tories are 1000 x better. It's utter delusion. Mention Jeremy Corbyn and all sense of realism goes out of the window
  4. Tolly856

    P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 15, 2018
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    Letting the media form every single political opinion you have is a problem. Not everything you read and hear is going to be bullshit, but the press are known for being biased, telling lies and giving out misleading information designed to fool the general populace. Your subsequent posts are testament to this.

    Let's take Corbyn's ties with Hamas for example and how this according to you clearly makes him a terrorist sympathiser. The reality is that Corbyn has frequently spoken out against the violence imposed by Osrael in Palestinian territory, and even signed an open letter to Downing Street which said that the UK should end their close relationship with Israel as it involved buying and selling arms and facilitating war.

    His support for Palestinian causes saw him develop ties to Hamas, not because he likes bombs and hand grenades but because he believes that peace can only pursue with dialogue- something Trump was lauded for when he met up with Kim Jong Un.

    There's the difference between seeing Corbyn with a terrorist and automatically assuming he's one too cos the press are telling you so and a bit of added context that provides a more accurate, less sinister narrative ultimately not provided in the right wing rags you read. You're a sheep who'll believe any old shite that's fed to you.
  5. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    John McDonnell sacked for incompetence and getting all the figures wrong as head of finance at the GLC and now wants to be Chancellor? Some kind of Joke,
    Add this to Dianne Abbott who cannot count and Jeremy Corbyn who cannot look after his own household budget and we will be royally fecked if this lot get in
  6. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I hate to say this but its not race really its Labour

    If she was tory blue and made all the same errors they wouldnt bat an eye lid. She's labour first and foremost and thats the main issue. After that she is targeted in the way she is because she is an independently minded female. Race will play a part but not in the way you suggest.

    By jumping to conclusions based on your value system and not the hard evidence you simply fuel the fires of people like tony to believe that other and actual racial transgressions are part of a left wing, liberal effort to culturally cleanse him and people like him of their identity.

    You make it worse with ill chosen language and finger pointing.
  7. BradfordBanter

    BradfordBanter Squad Player

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Ridiculous isn't it mate, like @Dionysus@Dionysus she is a prominent politician and that's why she gets all the grief that she does. The police policy clip is brilliant one, bloody terrible. Pulling the racist card for Dianne Abbott is a sign of the times really isn't it..
  8. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    There's a good discussion to be had on this subject. And i can see both sides of the debate having being brought up in a city like Bradford and worked around social housing areas for parts of my working career. I see disadvantaged people everyday of my life, from the homeless beggar on street corners (or traffic lights these days) to the single parent family just trying to survive and make ends meet. Then i see the folk living on handouts and benefits with no concept of the value of money and no desire whatsoever to ever work for what they are given, part of the benefits culture that manifests itself within the lower class indigenous populous of this country over the decades. Where £100 trainers and latest tech are purchased with no real concept of what priorities should be in life. Food on the table or a pair the latest Nikes?
    One of those scenarios where you wish you had a magic wand could make sure the benefits went to people who really are in ned of them. In this country as it stands no person should ever have to sleep rough on the streets or be in need of a hot meal or medical assistance, yet no one on benefits should be kitting out their young uns in overpriced sportswear or be allowed to sit at home doing the fk all while living off the back of others. In fact bollocks to any spongers out there, your unwarranted benefits could so easily go to helping others in need.
  9. Tolly856

    P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 15, 2018
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    It's admirable that you overcame adversity but unless there are other details you're not giving me not going on exotic holidays and downgrading your house whilst still receiving financial support from a loved one does not even remotely reflect the poverty some of the poorest people in this country face.

    I was watching a documentary a while back which covered poverty in the uk and not all of the cases were self inflicted. There was one women who was involved in an abusive relationship which eventually resulted in her and her child having nowhere to live. This meant that she was moving from location to location with barely a penny in her pocket and she couldn't go out and work for the simple reason that she couldn't afford childcare. This wasn't a case of "yeah I'll give the latest iPhone a miss and I'll be aliright", she was genuinely poor. So poor, that the documentary showed her taking her son to an indoor playground where she takes him once a year as a treat. Do you know how much it cost to get in? £3.

    She was then in tears because it brought her son happiness and she couldn't afford to take him there more often but hey, her teeth were sparkling fùcking clean. A few quid might seem insignificant to me or you, but for others it's a big commitment which is why covering a few basic expenses for those in need can go a long way towards improving their life quality.

    Moving on, in another episode there was a man who was living on the streets. He made some questionable decisions to put himself in that scenario in the first place but just like you all those blue moons ago was desperate to change his life around but couldn't because he didn't have any form of ID.

    Fact is, there are people out there who have it bad. There are people out there who have it worse than you can imagine. To suggest that we shouldn't help these people because "i was alright Guv" is a selfish attitude to have. To then tell me how you had no luxury's when you were going through financial trouble but others living in poverty can afford all the latest technology aswell as being able fund a drug fuelled lifestyle is also extremely ignorant.

    I'm sure there are plenty of people who misuse the benefit system, don't want to help themselves and do spend all their money on pointless stuff. It certainly doesn't represent every poor person in Britain so stop pretending it does.
  10. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    In some polls the Tories are way out in front, and this is from one of the worst government in living memory. If Labour had a different leader, a proper front bench and weren't puppets to momentum, they would win by a landslide.
  11. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    A lot of what you say there is nothing to do with politics, its down to parenting. A good friend of mine is now a full time foster carer, most of the kids he's had so far have not been let down by the state, they've been let down by feckless parents who quite frankly should never have had the privilege of being able to procreate. Its easy to apportion the blame to others, my parents were brought up in inner city Bradford, both worked but still found time to bring me and my brother up to value others and what we had. Too much of this blaming others when the truth is much closer to home in most households.
  12. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    That Corbyn interview wasn't just a car crash, it was a multi lane pile up.

    No apology for anti-semitism, with various example of soft touch punishments, exposed the lie that lower earns wouldn't be paying more tax, thought government bonds weren't debt, couldn't explain where the Waspi money was coming from, was made to look ridiculous on his brexit stance by not standing by his own deal and was exposed as dangerous by refusing to act decisively on ISIS leaders.

    Apart from that he came across quite well.....
  13. Dionysus

    Dionysus Fringe Player

    Sep 8, 2018
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    This thread’s devolving into a bit of a slanging match, which is a shame. There’s been some good points made by both sides of the argument that have been countered with nonsense rhetoric.

    I don’t think there’s been anywhere near enough effort from the media to point out that this is probably one of the most pivotal elections of recent times. If the Conservatives win a majority then we’re heading for a radical rethinking of how we do business, domestically and internationally. If Labour win then it’s similarly a rejection of neocapitalism that would fundamentally realign the size of the state.

    If you were a business owner, both of these would have profound effects on your very future from about month 3 onwards. But the media are stuck on (relatively) pointless arguments about how one party may or may not be smearing another party. It feels like BBC News has more or less become Sky Sports Politics.
  14. Idlebantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    You are coming across very immature now because you have lost the argument.

    Of course millions of people care, that a potential PM and his mate have links to terrorist groups and have publicly supported these groups.

    Our secret service will certainly care that if Corbyn is our next PM, he will then have access to secure information, that someone with his track record should not have.

    He openly refused to say whether he would take out the new leader of ISIS only this week. That tells you all you need to know about this idiot
  15. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Is this the same guy who didn't want his son's death used for political gain?
  16. Clity

    Clity Fringe Player

    Oct 24, 2018
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    HEHEHEH pathetic man - does it make you feel better about yourself ganging up on a lass with your buddy over here?

    She has you on the ropes, points holes in your arguments and your response is to question if she's a city fan or not. She calls you lot out and your first point of call is she must be a bot, left wing stooge or something else conspiratorial. Looks to me like she just beat you and you dont like it.

    To be fair its not hard to do, not one time have I ever seen you and your right wing mates ever have a political opinion that doesnt serve your own interests. Nasty party for nasty people.

    Why dont you go waste your time and see how many of my posts are football related? Or get a life like the rest of us.
  17. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I'm all ears, I've laid it on the table and said both Boris or Corbyn are not fit for office. All I see from you is links and posted of Labour Propaganda. You're like a Labour Laura Kussenberg.

    You have no interest in Bradford City, you are like one of these bots that getting the message out that you so much despise.
  18. Hulmebantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    However you vote today, especially if Brexit is your priority, I hope you will hold the next Government to account for their promises to increase spending in key areas.

    I'm buying paper, pens, rubbers and paying for toast every morning for the children in my class. My school is at breaking point. Not because of mismanagement, but purely through reductions in funding to the school. It can't go on like this.
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  19. Sergio Pinto III

    P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 27, 2018
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    It's legit. She is thick as mince and a frightening prospect as home sec
  20. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Loony left m8.
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