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Rule of the Mob - Batley School

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Edin Nowhere, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Not sure about banning Religious schools. As much as I'm generally anti-religion, I do very much believe in freedom of speech and banning religious schools feels contrary to that. However, I don't think religious schools should be publicly funded and I DO very much believe that religion should NOT be taught in public schools. I'm also uncomfortable with the extent to which certain social and political agendas are creeping into how children are being taught. Schools should be about teaching academic and practical subjects and developing children to think critically and speak openly.

    I completely agree - under no circumstances should protests be allowed outside of schools whilst children are in attendance.
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  2. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
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    Jun 18, 2018
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    I'm no doubt one of the 'woke lefties' that our resident right wing authoritarian @Tony Wilkinson@Tony Wilkinson is referring to.
    My take is that it was stupid of the teacher to show the cartoons knowing full well, as an RE teacher, that this is totally verboten in Muslim culture and was (rightly or wrongly) bound to cause upset. Particularly as those particular cartoons were deliberately designed to offend and had previously caused international outrage. I can see that purpose of doing so was to illustrate intolerance, so in one sense it was well meaning, but the chances of this approach working, without provoking predictable angst, were next to zero, so it was extremely poor judgement by the teacher. There are plenty of other ways to illustrate how certain minority groups are discriminated against, without using those, already infamous, cartoons.
    Having said all that, I dislike all religions and think they all get cut far too much slack. If you must believe evidence-free fairy tales about supreme beings and waste your life worshipping imaginary creators that's up to you. But I don't see why that means the majority who don't can't say, or illustrate, what we think about your lifestyle choices. There are far more real and important injustices to protest about than someone drawing a nasty cartoon about an ancient prophet. I can absolutely see the worth of teaching kids about comparitive cultures, but that shouldn't just be centred on religion. If people insist on indoctrinating their children about their particular brand of fairy tale, so be it. But I think that should happen at home or in churches, mosques, Sunday schools etc. Religious schools are an anachronism that provoke division and if it was up to me I'd follow the French example and ban the lot of them.
  3. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    On this occasion you can be excused as you have a sensible grab of the situation under discussion, just the other 20 odd subjects to get right and 'til then consider yourself still on probation..;)
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  4. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    I was talking to my neighbour who is the Principal of a localish secondary. Her view was interesting and she said that the teaching of religious studies in most schools is now a comparative study rather than focused solely on say Christianity It compares the 6 main religions for their common features and their differences without making any judgement on a particular religion. How that is presented and what material is used needs to be seen in that context. How it is presented to Year 7's say is very different to how it is presented to Year 12's. Her view is that it is designed to create an opportunity to remove some of the barriers and gives her students a historic and a social context for current religious differences and conflicts.

    At her school, she's received both positive and negative comments from the parents and understands that her experience is replicated elsewhere in other schools. One particular comment pops up regularly that most students had no idea that the 3 Abrahamic religions have a common cast of characters! It's an eye opener for students and parents alike. She also said that most negative comments came not from parents but from what might be called zealots from all sides!

    As you say, most teachers in the non-religious school sector which is the majority would take exception to using religious studies as a means of promoting a particular religion. Morning assembly when the school sang Morning Has Broken is thankfully a thing of the past. Secondary schools have certainly moved on significantly from when I was there.
    Faithful Bantam likes this.
  5. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    It wouldn't offend me, just like photos in books of wars and atrocities don't offend me.
  6. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    Keelfy has hit the nail right on the head. All about context. Most of those 'protesting' outside Batley Grammar won't have had a clue what the context was. Look, if some want to get on their knees and worship a make believe sky pixie then i ain't gonna stop them. Just don't get upset when non believers pick you up on it.
    Offside likes this.
  7. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    A funny story from the other week, a lad i work with from time to time is in to this Jesus and God stuff, all the stuff about animals on arks and all that. His young daughter came home from primary school before lockdown and wanted to become a muslim because all her mates at school are. poor fella was distraught :joy::joy:
    Faithful Bantam likes this.
  8. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    That's the religious equivalent of my lad saying to me 'Dad, I wanna be a Leeds fan'.
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  9. Storck

    Storck Regular Starter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    If we are stereotyping they would be in a good place by asking a teacher for tips
  10. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
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    Jun 18, 2018
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    Sure, I understand that most RE teaching, at least in secular state schools, is comparitive. But even calling it RE elevates religion to a status that I don't believe it should have. It's only one aspect of culture but is given a prominence that others don't get. And I wonder how much comparitive religion is taught in some faith schools, which are little short of indoctrination centres.
  11. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I don't mean to be disparaging of anyone's faith, as I know it can be a source of real comfort and purpose for some. However, it strikes me that religion is little more than an outdated concept, centered around a quest for determining mean and the origins of the world, and to establish control systems for the masses. I wouldn't mind so much if religion was taught on that basis - i.e. apply critical thinking to challenge the foundation of those religious beliefs and where they came from. Thinking back, when I was at school in the 80s, Christianity was broadly taught as gospel, Christian songs sung in assembly. It was strongly inferred that the bible was 'the word of god'. There was no reference whatsoever to it being a book written by a collection of people - in some cases hundreds of years after Jesus was apparently alive, with bits added and removed according to whoever held dominion of that particular faith at any point in time.
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  12. Dennis

    Dennis Captain
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    These days, in both the state and private sectors, the students are exposed to religious studies (RS) looking at a range of religious beliefs rather than being exposed to religious education (RE) with its focus on the established religion - the CoE creed in England. RE is an outdated concept in non-faith schools. I find that change far more mature than an emphasis on a single religion. It's the same reason why I dislike the entire concept of faith schools which merely accentuate diferences in society.

    I'm not religious person at all but believe that the study of comparative religion helps us all to understand how we've got here and the place of the churches, temples, mosques etc in reaching this point. Over the centuries, religious difference have been the source of much conflict and harm. Whether it's the crusades pitting christians against muslims; or the pogroms in europe when Judaism was banned and Jews treated as 2nd or 3rd class citizens and worse or the burning of catholics by protestants and the burning of protestants by catholics during the Tudor period or the many battles between Sunni and Shia within islam. Or in more modern times, the separation of India when millions of hindus and muslims died at the hands of their religious opponents; the so-called Troubles in Northern Ireland; the religious genocide in the Balkans or even the rise of islamists and ISIS with their barbaric ways.

    Anything which helps to counter these differences even in a small way is great in my view. Whilst we have faith schools, madrassas, etc in the UK preaching their own version of religion, those differences become larger. We need religious studies in schools where comparisons can be made and the historical context explained to narrow the gaps and provide explanations of what has happened in our pasts. Passing the responsibility for improving students understanding of religion to faith schools will simply institutionalise religious differences even further.
  13. 1975citygent

    1975citygent Impact Sub

    Jun 16, 2018
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    I would be too.
  14. 1975citygent

    1975citygent Impact Sub

    Jun 16, 2018
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    Talking of hymns being sung at school, one of the schools that I attended at morning assembly we used to sing "Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken".
    Found out later in life that the Headmaster was leader of the local BNP.
    It all makes sense now. We only had half a dozen Asians in the school and there always seemed to be one of them stood outside his office.
  15. Aaron Baker

    Aaron Baker Impact Sub

    Apr 26, 2018
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    It's a fair point but there's no need to limit this to religion. It could and should come under a larger subject piece of "societal and cultural studies" which could encompass elements of economics, politics, religion, cultures, history, taxation, etc, etc. There is no reason for religion to be held out on it's own to the exclusion of all these other (more?) important aspects of how our world has been shaped.
    Offcomedun and Idlebantam like this.
  16. Bronco

    Bronco Star Player
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    He wasnt called Stanley Garnett by any chance was he ? my old form master at Lapage Boys School he was quite a character was our Stanley.
    Offside likes this.
  17. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    Would be much more useful to teach the kids more science, see and research pictures from hubble and then start the discussion..
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  18. trevor

    trevor Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    It will not matter in the end, There are forecasts that in around 20-30 years with present population traits the country will be mainly Muslim and Christianity will be a minority religion if allowed at all
  19. Storck

    Storck Regular Starter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    That would take some growth as currently 60% are Christian and less than 5% are Muslim
    Dennis likes this.
  20. NorthernMonkey

    NorthernMonkey Squad Player
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    Sounds like some nonsense right wing conspiracy theory to me.
    Dennis and Aaron Baker like this.

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