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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Idlebantam, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    Low lying fruit, so predictable and disgusting....
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  2. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    It's the hypocrisy of it Tone. But then that's what the Met and other police forces have been instructed to do, you can have your free speech and protests but only as long as they meet our agenda and narratives.
    Bronco and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  3. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player
    P.L. 21/22 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Entrant

    Apr 27, 2018
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    These Palestine protests and flag waving everywhere is getting tedious now. I'd support a ban on these protests from now, they're just becoming an annoyance.

    If these people care so much why don't they go over and do something about it instead of being a nuisance on British land every weekend.
    Idlebantam and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  4. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    They couldn't care less about Palestine, its a staged demonstration every week against America and the Western world as we know it. Lets see how many blokes are waving their flags on Ingleby road tomorrow outside MacDonalds when its Liverpool Man City tomorrow.
    Tony Wilkinson likes this.
  5. SimonW

    SimonW Administrator
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    Even if they get rid of Hamas it's going to continue because Israel has shown they won't stop persecuting Palestinians and taking their land. When people are being persecuted and lose hope extremists promising a solution become appealing. So some other party who are also extremist will end up getting power.
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  6. SimonW

    SimonW Administrator
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    I would argue our forefathers would be just as disgusted by the way we have let Isreal guilt trip us into largely letting them do whatever they like even though what they have been doing for nearly 100 years is not dissimilar to the various acts of persecution they faced through the centuries which is the basis for their guilt trip.

    Let's just remember that despite their claim Judaism is not a race. I can't choose to become Black or Asian but I can convert to Judaism. It's a religion at its heart, maybe you could argue a culture as certainly many of the loudest voices like David Baddiel and Rachel Riley claim to be atheist or agnostic (Mind you Rachel Riley also says she doesn't practice any of the Jewish cultural elements either so maybe its not even a culture). If you want to take it to the race level and you go far enough back then their race is the same race as many of the Arabs living in the region now or for that matter many Western Muslims and Christians as all 3 religions Abrahamic religions, its just 3 different interpretations of the same faith that put importance on a different line of Abraham's lineage. So if you follow any of those religions and your ancestry can be traced back to that region over 2000 years ago then you are the same race. Despite being the first of the 3 main Abrahamic religions we have now it was a failing one in the region, its boost in popularity came when they started moving to Europe where they would group together and then started to convert others (although even in Europe Christianity did a better job of that)

    Before the fall of the Ottoman Empire during WW1 Jews were a non-entity in Palestine (or any of the other areas of the Middle East) and hadn't been for almost 2000 years. When we were given the mandate to oversee the area as a place all 3 religions could live side by side the Zionists started importing European Jews on mass, because despite many Palestinians in the region being descended from the same Israelites that the Zionists use for their claim to the area (and their link was probably stronger as they hadn't spent 2000 years mixing DNA with white Europeans) they didn't want to share. And they then started Terrorism against Arabs of Mulsim and Christian faiths and Britain's officials troops and people. This continued until WW2 when they needed us to help bail out their fellow Jews from being wiped out by Hitler but as soon as the war ended they were back at it. Until we washed our hands of the problem and let the newly formed UN handle it who decided to give into Terrorism and give them the Jewish State, which they then ramped up their importing of European Jews even more to justify their expansion beyond what was initially agreed. And we have been appeasing them ever since meaning those Brits who died at Zionist hands are being disrespected, they gave their lives for nothing

    Just about a month before the Hamas attack they had driven more Palestinians out of their homes and off their land. 2023 had already been one of the bloodiest in the West Bank ever and Hamas while you can't say doesn't have any influence in the West Bank its certainly not like Gaza, The Palestinian Authority control the West Bank so the justification for focusing their persecution there while leaving Gaza alone much more (beyond obviously their policies restricting goods and aid coming into Gaza) until the Hamas Attack.

    Ultimately Isreal is a nation built of Terrorism, that's continued terrorism throughout their existence (both as outright Terrorist groups, groups that many of the positions of the last 30 years were openly part of OR what is state-sponsored terrorism) to push the Zionist belief that Jews and Jews alone are the chosen people and that God promised them that land and they have just continued to play the antisemitism card so that they don't get held to the same standard of any other country and political belief.

    And what makes it worse is actually the original architects of Zionism knew this would happen which is exactly why they ruled Palestine out as a location of a Jewish state. They were looking at places without the importance of multiple religions and where there was land that they could inhabit without displacing anyone either at the time or with needed expansion. For example, Argentina was seriously considered (Obviously post WW2 that was out, Argentina for much the same reason it was considered a good place for a Jewish State had seen a big influx of Germans and Italians so there were communities of each already before the war. With Argentina taking a largely natural stance during the war, the move to fascism and the increasing influence of Germans and Italians with Nazi sympathies it became the perfect place to flee for Nazis and hence obviously not a great place to set up a Jewish state) as was an area spanning Uganda and Kenya that was under British rule and which Britain had been open t to discussions about giving up. The Sinai Peninsula was also considered as its about the size of Scotland but with hardly anyone living there (600kish now) and was close to Palestine and contained Mount Sinai which is important to the Jewish faith but based on the fact they did Invade it starting a war with Egypt and now while technically back in Egypts control it is a demilitarised areas. So that might have caused issues and tbh could they have been trusted being that close to not invade Palestine?

    Maybe if we had listened to these original people, found them somewhere suitable and not problematic rather than letting extremist voices prevail we could have prevented all these issues
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  7. Idlebantam

    Idlebantam Squad Player
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    The whole lot of the Free Palestine protesters should do one and bugger off to Palestine and fight their cause over there.

    Of course they won't, because they are all cowards who know they are far better off living in a too tolerant country such as ours while they get away with espousing their vile anti-semitic views and supporting terrorist groups such as Hamas and Houthi.
  8. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    The irony of living with all the benefits that the west gives them (not money although that is part of it) but hating the hand that feeds you at the same time.
    Europe has been too busy fighting itself for years to see the inevitable, living in Bradford we're ahead of the curve.
    Idlebantam and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  9. SimonW

    SimonW Administrator
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    People like you make me want to scream with your throwing around the term antisemitism about everything.

    While undoubtedly there will be some of these people who support Hamas or who just hate Jews most don't, they just want Palestinians who are as native to the area as can be, more so than all but the handful of Israelis who descend from the 30k Arab Jews who lived there at the start of the 1900s who resided there alongside Muslim & Christians for 2000 years; to be free from persecution from the hypocritical Zionist Jews of European descent who won't be happy until the only Palestinians in the region are the ones under their thumb working in service of their zionist masters.

    Having an issue with a violent and hateful political movement and the policies of the country that movement created through terrorist actions isn't antisemitic. Hell even If it's an issue with the religion that also isn't antisemitic. We are allowed to have opinions and issues with any political movement, countries politics and religious beliefs as we do with basically every other political movement, countries agendas and religious beliefs. Just because it's a hard line Jewish political movement, a Jewish country or Jewish faith doesn't and shouldn't exclude them of criticism and people shouldn't be allowed to use the term antisemitism just to try and shut down criticism. Antisemitism is when you hate the essence of a person simply because of how they identify. Just as I'm pretty sure you don't consider yourself islamophobic just because you hate Hamas.
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  10. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    That's not how this works though is it. Let's stop kidding ourselves here, most if not all countries in the middle east would love to wipe Israel off the map because of it's links with the Jews and the religion of Judaism. Exactly the same as the protesters here very week in our lovely little city of Bradford, the Palestine conflict the perfect excuse for them to be allowed to openly display their hatred of Jewish people. Don't let the middle class white people on these protests fool you, they just like to tag along to anything they see as socialist.

    Don't scream too much will you.
    Idlebantam likes this.
  11. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    Bang on RT, as seen on all the banners courtesy of the odious 'Socialist workers party' ......
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  12. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    Champagne socialists, worst of the lot of them. Folk like Corbyn who's never done a days graft in his life and Blair who is worth over £100 million now. I hate the Tories but socialists also piss me off
    Idlebantam likes this.
  13. Tony Wilkinson

    Tony Wilkinson Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    You're not alone, us Tories feel the same, voted Tory for 57 years they are now as bad as labour, vote Reform UK.......
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  14. Idlebantam

    Idlebantam Squad Player
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    Your naivety about not accepting that the vast majoritity of these protester's hatred of Israel and wanting Israel wiped off the face of the earth is staggering from someone I view as an intelligent and good poster.

    Come to Bradford and I will show you streets in the inner city that are festooned with the Palestine flags and anti Israel graffiti for example.

    Many areas of London are unsafe and no go areas for Jews that live peacefully in our capital.

    Time to ban these marches of hatred
    Tony Wilkinson likes this.
  15. SimonW

    SimonW Administrator
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    This is where you have just swallowed the Zionist propaganda. Prior to Israel's creation there were almost a Million Arab Jews in the middle east and they lived in relative harmony (as did Christians who had an even greater population) Obviously it wasn't perfect as you have religious zealots and that causes tension but that's the same with all countries.

    Even today there are a decent number of Arab Jews living in relative harmony inside these countries. Infact Iran who are the main country who want to wipe out Israel have the largest group of Arab Jews in the middle east and they have a guaranteed seat in their parliament. Their issue is much more with Europeans coming into the region, acting like they are superior and then using this sense of superiority as an excuse to persecute Muslims.
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  16. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    Zionist propaganda lol.
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  17. SimonW

    SimonW Administrator
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    Anti Israel isn't anti Jewish though. The fact you are so brainwashed you can't see this is worrying. And you do realise there are Jewish groups who are regularly joining these marches and aren't hiding the fact they are Jewish. Have they been beaten to a pulp by what you claim are Jew haters? No they haven't because while all Zionists are Jewish not all Jews are Zionist and most people understand that.

    And claiming there are no go areas in London for Jews is bullshit, the same kind of Bullshit we see about areas of London being unsafe to walk in after dark. Sure tensions are higher but much of that is due to the Jews themselve, they allow others to blur the line, anytime loudmouths like Rachel Riley spouts her Zionist crap and calls out anyone who says anything anti Zionist as being a Jew haters and fellow Jews especially those with a platform are too scared to speak out it starts to tar them with the same Brush but even then the threat is being exaggerated for the pr
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  18. Bronco

    Bronco Star Player
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    Apr 8, 2018
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    You'll be denning October 7th never happened next.
    bantamlad92 and Tony Wilkinson like this.
  19. Rogered Tart

    Rogered Tart Regular Starter
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    Apr 10, 2018
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    'Much of that is due to the Jews themselves', funny cos Hitler spent over a decade telling his fellow countryman that. My wife lost two members of her family in a certain camp with this sort of rhetoric.
    Idlebantam, bantamlad92 and Bronco like this.
  20. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player
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    Apr 27, 2018
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    Give your head a wobble.

    Appalling rhetoric.
    Rogered Tart and Tony Wilkinson like this.

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