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Two players

Discussion in 'City Talk' started by Park bantam, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. Park bantam

    Park bantam Regular Starter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    only two players have done themselves justice this season and can look themselves in the mirror in the summer . Young Obrien who has given his all throughout the season even if his form has dropped a little lately. The other being Caddis I thing he has been great and an example to others on what they should be doing.
    Players like Payne and Ball have had little spells but nowhere enough.I wonder when some of these players are elsewhere next season they will have consence
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  2. Low Moor Bantam

    Low Moor Bantam Youngster

    Apr 12, 2018
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    For me Caddis would be the captain and someone we should be looking at keeping as an integral part of the team. Unfortunately we won't have a cat in hell's chance as many teams will take him off our hands next season.

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