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Talksport Interview

Discussion in 'City Talk' started by Ollylondonbantam, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. Ollylondonbantam

    Ollylondonbantam Squad Player

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Did anyone hear the interview with Tranmere manager Micky Mellon this morning?

    He talked of how the club were at such a low point, which resulted in confrontation between owners and supporters and ultimately a fall into the National League. It came to point where a line in the sand was drawn and both parties had to agree to essentially work together. What I don’t know is if the ownership changed but a lot of what Mellon spoke about resonated with exactly what is happening with ourselves.

    My worry is that if this current position of the club is left any longer, we wouldn’t even make the National league as we will be gone by then.

    What I also feel is that talks with Voldemort (he who shall not be named) are simply impossible. Any constructive discussions with the clubs owners and directors are simply hot air whilst he is still here.

    NB: I can mostly only make southern games and today, for the first time ever by my own choice, decided I simply wasn’t attending. Having watched Tuesdays game and what has unfolded, I cannot connect to this club. One which I have supported for 27 years. I was at Yeovil last season and since then, cannot fathom what has transpired.

    We could all do a lot worse than look at other clubs who have suffered/suffering similar issues to us, and try to build a strategy of how to get of this mess before it’s the end of us.
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  2. Haworth Bantam

    Haworth Bantam Breakthrough Prospect

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I agree although some people on here seem to be using Blackpool/Blackburn etc as a model to move on....
  3. mrtrickio

    mrtrickio Fringe Player

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Ah. Its all your fault then...!
    Ollylondonbantam likes this.
  4. Ollylondonbantam

    Ollylondonbantam Squad Player

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Ha ha perhaps so. I’ve only made Shrewsbury and Wimbledon this season so maybe if I’d made it today it would have been different?

    100% it wouldn’t.
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  5. Parader

    Parader Impact Sub

    Apr 11, 2018
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    This is why it is important that any protest/action has a clear, achievable end goal in sight.

    In the real world Rupp and Rahic out is far too simplistic, and it's probably not going to be easy to find someone with the amount of money required to buy the club. Clearly Rahic has to go, his position is already untenable, but we could be in a situation where people have to be prepared work with Rupp in some form to move the club forward.
  6. Rogered Tart

    P.L. 23/24 Top 30 Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant

    Apr 10, 2018
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    The strategy is simple. The only way we can hope to move forward is to start again. It looks at this moment like it will be in league 2. Rahic has to go, he will not listen to anyone else, he bought this club to massive his massive ego and people like that do not listen to any advice from anyone. Once he goes clear the rotten decks. If Hopkin is still here as manager then give him a budget and let him run the club as he sees fit.
    Ollylondonbantam likes this.

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