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Stupid Rangers players and their idiot supporters

Discussion in 'General Football' started by The Original EB, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. The Original EB

    The Original EB Squad Player

    Apr 9, 2018
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    After winning today the Rangers players went to the Ibrox gates to celebrate with their fans who had gathered in large numbers outside.
    As a result Sturgeon will probably keep the whole of Scotland in lockdown for longer.
    Had she locked down the West of Scotland a few months ago as she did with Aberdeen we might now be able to travel outside Edinburgh's boundary
  2. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Leeds ended up on an open top bus, Celtic fans were out in force when they were handed their 9th title and in Liverpool they had a party for 3 days. It's not as if it's a one off.
  3. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Nah she doesn't make any decision based on actual events. All her decisions are based on being privy to Cobra meetings and knowing what Boris is going to do and then deciding if she scores more points against him by either announcing the same thing before he does at 5pm or by doing something different to him as all she cares about is trying and make it look like Westminster is either dragging its heels or doing something bad for Scotland to help her calls for another indy vote
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    Skyebantam and Chippy like this.
  4. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    This with bells on.

    England has 3 tiers Scotland has 5.
    England opens this week, Scotland opens next week.
    England goes into lockdown in 3 days, Scotland goes into lockdown in 2.

    The whole UK should be under 1 set of rules rather than just political point scoring.
  5. Bratfud

    P.L. 20/21 Top 20 Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    Who cares. They deserve it after watching the filth dominate for so long. Party time :party::party::party::party:
    city gent 65 likes this.
  6. Edin Nowhere

    Edin Nowhere Impact Sub

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Well a new variant is going to be born in Glasgow today as the party commences. CoVid 55.

    Guard of honor at Celtic Park?

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