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Oxford United's Financial Anomalies

Discussion in 'General Football' started by JonButterfield, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. JonButterfield

    Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 9, 2018
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    We've all heard about Blackpool's woes, and I reckon some of us just wish them well after all the BS they've had to endure.

    Oxford United, meanwhile, are a different kettle of fish.

    The FA surely have to be looking closely at what's going on here - four winding up petitions since February, and the latest from the stadium's owners - the others from the HMRC.


    A club can't just refuse to pay people until winding-up petitions are invoked; Oxford should be docked points immediately, IMO.
    Jay, Onside and Chad like this.
  2. How

    How Knows Football
    P.L. 18/19 Winner Euro 2020

    May 1, 2018
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    Let’s hope so
    Jay likes this.
  3. Dennis

    Staff Member Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Unfortunately, the club can indeed wait for the WU petition before settling their debts. And again unfortunately there is little the EFL can do to stop this practice! HMRC now use the winding up process routinely with companies to get them to settle their tax bills and personally I don't read too much into this latest example. Bolton have had at least 6 winding up petitions raised by HMRC against them and on every occasion it's forced Bolton to the negotiating table to settle their tax debt. That's why HMRC do it.

    And in terms of the current, virtually nonexistent EFLs rules, I agree that they should be tightened up. But I don't expect much change in the near future since it's the club owners who have to approve any changes!
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