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Discussion in 'Prediction League 2021/22' started by SimonW, May 7, 2022.

  1. Keefly Bantam

    Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 20 Supporter

    Apr 9, 2018
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    @SimonW@SimonW just wondering what the current league table is?

    Had a one off where I actually got the result and the scorers correct so wanted to see where that put me in the grand scheme of things. Won't happen again of course.
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  2. Inspector


    Apr 14, 2018
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    Any update on the final table for 22/23 @SimonW@SimonW
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  3. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    The silence is deafening on this subject, I'm sure with a pen and paper and half a day to spare, I could come up with the table.
    Computers and spreadsheets eh.
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  4. king karl

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I spoke with Simon, hes a been a bit under the weather and will update everything once feeling better
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  5. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    5 days to get last seasons league table finished before the new one. Lol
    At least we haven't been insulted by a new league for this season ------- yet.
  6. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Sorry for the delay. The slowest part of the whole thing is the double-checking, especially as while the system does fairly good at processing the data some of you do things that break it (for example when you submit one and then update it later but quote your original post). When you get behind on the double-checking it can stack up and I did get behind while trying to sort the automation. Then with work, followed by some personal and family issues I never got fully on top of it (especially as I was working through them and then found I had a major bug which the WC one didn't bring up so I had to sort that and start the checks again)

    Anyway, find in the next few posts the first 10 league games (plus a couple of cup games) and I'll keep posting them in batches over the next day or so

    The b weeks mean its a cup match


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  7. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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  8. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Hi @SimonW@SimonW Is there a final table for 22/23?

    Have you managed to sort out the technical issues so that we can get regular table updates this coming season? It kills all the fun of the competition if we have no idea of where we stand in the table. I really like doing it and I'm keen to join again this season, but only if we're going to get regular updates.
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  9. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I'm working through the double-checking, there will be another batch of game week scores and a table after that batch later today and then another batch after that and probably another after that. Hopefully, the final one will be up before tomorrow's game kicks off.

    And yeah it should be like with the World Cup and the updates should be up within an hour of the game ending
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  10. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    At some point we will be upgrading to Xenforo 2 and when we do the next upgrade will hopefully be custom fields on prediction league threads so it ensures every submission is in the perfect format which should reduce the time needed to double-check

    The problem has been It's been a bit of a pain, I've run tests locally and it's gone fairly well but on this server to run a test version and keep this version up I need to be running a specific PHP version as XF1 only works up to a certain PHP version and XF won't run on anything below a certain version. But that version of PHP for some unknown reason won't install, I really don't want to have to start a whole new droplet and migrate everything over as there will be teething issues getting the server running perfectly as we have had years of tweaking settings to get it running as smoothly as possible
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  11. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    That might as well have been in Cantonese for all it means to me! Good luck with it and hope you're able to get it running smoothly.
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  12. Offcomedun

    P.L. 23/24 Top 10 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    I doubt anyone is that bothered about the week by week updates from last season. Can you just post the final table, or do you need to go through the whole process to get to that?
  13. Bigrod

    Staff Member Moderator P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    @SimonW@SimonW it has ben very disappointing that a Final Table wasn’t available in late May 2023, for last season.
    I think more than enough time has elapsed and that you owe it to the participants to publish the Final 2022/23 table, before starting on this season.
    A lot of people have spent time on the Prediction League, which is fun, but very frustrating if there is no end result.
    Regular updates are important, but don’t need to be after every game. I would guess at the end of a Calendar month or quarterly (games 11/23/34/46) if it means a lot of work.
    I will join in, but unless there is a clear structure, which is being implemented, I may well jack it in.
  14. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I have to go through and check each game for errors which takes 15-30 minutes per game, if I just published the full table right now it could have some significant changes as there is usually about 5 people who the way they have posted has tripped the script up. I don't have to post each game but I just felt for transparency having the individual games is the right thing to do
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  15. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I've decided I'll just zip up all the weekly ones at the end and upload that for anyone who wants to check them but here is the leaderboard at game 30. Annoyingly most of these are taking closer to the 30mins to double check than the 15mins that's ideal. Most weeks there are a 3 or 4 whose entries are wrong which need fixed and the script needs to be rerun.

    Hopefully I'll still have last seasons up before kick off but at some point I need to sort setting the script up to be able to handle this seasons so I don't get behind so it may be later tonight that I get last seasons completed

    @Prediction league 22/23
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  16. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    Er, we seem to have lapsed into last seasons habits already.
    Lots of activity and then nothing.
    We may as well just forget about it.
  17. Allotment Bantam

    Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 9, 2018
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    It is in the Prediction League Colchester thread on the City Talk Forum
  18. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    As @Allotment Bantam@Allotment Bantam said the score for the match and the latest leaderboard are posted on the entry thread after the match
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  19. Jayteebee

    P.L. 23/24 4th Place Euro24 PL Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 30 P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Euro 2020

    Apr 15, 2018
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    Was really referring to last season, unless I've missed something.
    If I have then my apologies.
  20. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.23/24 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Ah yeah, I'm about 5 games away from finishing last season's up. The code can't handle running two separate versions at once which slows things down as I have to go in and edit the code when switching between the two (maybe it would have been quicker to actually code that ability in but at this point its not worth doing) and I've been putting priority on the current one so I don't get behind.

    2 games a week doesn't help as it means more switching. Plus I'm trying to sort a couple of things out for @king karl@king karl and other work which limits when it is worth making the switch
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