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Donating to food banks rather than "the PL back-pocket fund"

Discussion in 'General Football' started by Botswana Bantam, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Botswana Bantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I just thought this was an excellent thing to do and even if everyone donated only half of the £15 it will surely make a massive difference.


    Fair play to everyone who donated.
    Stafford Bantam and Storck like this.
  2. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    It's flawed, not the donating to the foodbank itself but the jumping on the false hysteria over PPV.

    Newcastle has 42k season ticket holders. That means just over 1,300 ST holders donated the money. The average season ticket price is £614 which means they pay on average £34 a ticket. The Average single ticket is around £40.

    So what they should have been saying is 'Season ticket holders, by buying the PPV you will have about £19 more returned to you for your season ticket why not donate that to the foodback. And for non-season ticket holders if you could get a single ticket you would have paid closer to £40 than the £!5 for the PPV so why not again donate the difference to the foodbank'

    By buying into the hysteria about clubs ripping them off its made people fall into the viewpoint that they are being ripped off and this is money money they wouldn't have spent anyway which makes them less likely to donate but by saying 'You wouldn't have this money without COVID, why not donate it' people think 'its money I didn't expect to have' and are more likely to donate. Certainly, they would have got more than £20k
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    Interested Bystander likes this.
  3. Botswana Bantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter

    Apr 13, 2018
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    You put such a jolly spin on what is actually a generous action.

    No one forced any of those folks to donate to a food bank.
    NorthernMonkey likes this.
  4. SimonW

    Staff Member Admin Moderator P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I'm not having a go at those who did donate. I just feel that by jumping on the back of the hysteria about PPV instead of highlighting how much good could be done by highlighting how much they are saving with PPV versus actually going to the match. It has a completely different psychological impact when you are telling people 'You are saving this much' rather than telling them 'It's costing you this much more, give it to us instead'. It's much easier to give away money you didn't expect to have than give away money you expected to have. Even if the 42k season ticket holders had just given half the £19 they were saving that's nearly £400k they would raise. Use the same thing across the whole of the PL and those 5 matches that are PPV each week could bring in £1.5mill every week that could help fund not just foodbanks but a whole host of socially focused charities
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