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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Zonnebloem, May 25, 2022.

  1. Zonnebloem

    Zonnebloem Fringe Player

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I’m a bit annoyed, OK. I have been opposed to USA policies and attitudes for some time.

    Now 19 kids aged about 9 or 10 years old and 2 of their teachers have been killed by a nutter with an assault weapon. I see that governor Abbott is reflecting on threat-assessment measures, meaning how to defend against armed attacks on schools or other targets.

    How about looking at the “Threat”? That is, the fact that anybody and everybody is armed and has the right to be armed?

    I was last in USA 4 years ago and I apparently drove through a sign saying that some ramp was closed. That sign was small, the name of the ramp meant nothing to me and TomTom was telling me how to get to my hotel. A police car drew up behind me with lights flashing. I got out of the car and a threatening blast through their car loudspeaker shouted “stay in da car, stay in da car”.

    I was with a lady who spoke no English and I am certain that if my skin colour had been different, I would have been in severe difficulty.

    Do I want to go to a country where you never know if the person next to you is armed? Would you walk down the streets of Bradford, Bingley, Keighley if somebody told you the next person has a gun?

    There are 400 million guns in USA, more than people.

    This problem is now beyond being solvable. I am never going there again knowing that the person next to me may be carrying a gun. Stupid place.
  2. king karl

    Staff Member Admin Moderator Supporter

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Apparently the answer is to arm teachers with guns :rolleyes:
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  3. Zonnebloem

    Zonnebloem Fringe Player

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Trump said to arm all disco/club goers with guns so they could combat any gunmen at clubs. "Boom" beautiful.

    It would have been great to have gunfire randomly shooting across dancefloors.

    Stupid, stupid country.
    bantamlad92 and king karl like this.
  4. trevor


    Apr 9, 2018
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    Maybe arm the kids in schools with guns? Only age 5 and over though,
    #4 trevor, May 26, 2022
    Last edited: May 26, 2022
  5. Nottsy

    Nottsy Squad Player

    Apr 13, 2018
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    They’re all having a big ol’ prayer, writing tweets and lighting candles, though. So all good.
    bantamlad92 likes this.
  6. WilsdenBantam

    Euro24 PL Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro 2020

    Apr 14, 2018
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    Weird country and a weird mentality. That said an ex employee of mine was married to an American and we talked about it and he was totally against guns, so it’s not everyone. Probably why he now lives in Leeds.

    I couldn’t think of anything less comfortable and less safe than a complete stranger having a gun in their pocket, legally I might add. Think of all the piss heads around who can barely control themselves like the idiot who attacked Billy Sharp it only takes an accident in a pub and a life’s gone.

    I don’t think those who are desperate to keep their ‘right’ care much about human life, sure they’ll say how sad etc. when the inevitable happens but they’re more bothered about being able to do and say what they want than any consequences.
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  7. Fuzzy

    Fuzzy Impact Sub

    May 9, 2018
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    It is possible to solve it though, Australia solved it and there's a great Daily Show piece on it from a few years ago that'll at least make you laugh as you bang your head against a wall...
  8. Interested Bystander

    P.L. 23/24 Winner Euro24 PL Entrant P.L.24/25 Entrant Qatar 2022 Entrant Supporter Euro 2020
    Knows Football

    Apr 8, 2018
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    trevor, Offcomedun and Salty like this.
  9. Tennesseebantam

    P.L.24/25 Entrant Supporter Euro 2020

    Apr 14, 2018
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    I teach at the local high school, 2 full time armed sheriff’s deputies. Earlier in May, we were put on a “hard lockdown” by principal over the intercom. His voice was clearly stressed. Immediately locked doors, turned lights out and moved the kids to a safer part of the room. Interestingly these kids were fully on point with how to handle the situation, they knew there was something going on. Then the text jungle kicked in, bunch of different stories, kids with guns, outsiders with guns, social media messages about shooting the place up. By looking out of the window we could tell whatever it was was serious, police with serious weapons drawn everywhere.
    After about an hour and a half we were given the all clear.
    Turns out the FBI received a call threatening to shoot our school up and some names were mentioned that matched some of our kids.
    As soon as all clear was given, parents blocking the main road coming to get their kids.

    To me, it is a complete nonsense that some politicians really do believe that arming teachers is a good thing. Sadly, in Tennessee, that is an idea that is gaining traction. I won’t be one of them.
  10. Zonnebloem

    Zonnebloem Fringe Player

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I've heard some fatuous arguments in favour of "constitutional rights" to gun ownership.

    "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".
    People use guns to kill people. Supposing they didn't have guns?

    "The best way to deal with a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".
    Who says the good guy is handier with a gun than the bad guy and how is it fine to have gunfights? What about if nobody had guns?

    This 2nd amendment, supposedly allowing everybody the right to bear arms, is well over 200 years old, recognises that there were soldiers as young as 18 in the revolutionary army who had to be armed as part of an organised militia, in defence of the state, using single shot muskets.
    Therefore 18 year-olds are now entitled to buy AR-15 semi-automatic weapons in civil society capable of blowing the heads off other civilians, including schoolchildren, outside of war situations?

    Those 18 year-olds in the 1770s were trained, vetted and part of an organised army. The average citizen is not.

    Stupid, stupid country.

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