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A silver lining....?

Discussion in 'City Talk' started by Faithful Bantam, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I think the immediate future is bleak. We're going down and I might be grasping here, but what the hell....

    One of the features of Edin 's reign has been the division created amongst supporters, during the last 12 month's especially.

    As some who have direct or indirect access to people within the club, rumour (If we can still call it that) about the treatment of players and employees has abounded. In some quarters, fans started to question the owners and our direction because of what they saw, but mainly because of what they heard. And because what they heard was negative, and not obvious, division grew. Terms like 'thoroughly nice chap', 'happy clapper', 'ITK' flourished.

    Those who're naturally more inclined to be positive, preached patience, whist those who were perhaps more informed tried hoisting red flags. The fruits of our mismanagement have taken a little time to bear, and in the time inbetween, there's been infighting within.

    Now, all but the obstinate see what we are, and if left unchecked, what we're going to become. I think unity amongst our fans is returning. It's in the infant stages of adversity, but it's unity nevertheless. We're going to need it.

    I don't think we're a split camp any more. We all know the danger within. And it doesn't matter who saw it first, because we're all going to be here long after Rahic and Rupp.
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  2. loz

    loz Impact Sub

    Apr 26, 2018
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    I really hope you are right about this. I am normally an optimistic type but seriously worry that these guys can finish us.
    bantamlad92 likes this.
  3. Faithful Bantam

    Faithful Bantam Squad Player

    Apr 10, 2018
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    They won’t. Not long term. We’ve repeatedly come through turmoil and tragedy. We’ll do it again.
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  4. bantamlad92

    bantamlad92 Squad Player

    Apr 27, 2018
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    They need to f*ck off now and we need to get some real owners in who will:

    1) actually appoint a proper manager and
    2) whom a proper manager will actually be willing to work under!

    That would be a good start. Don’t even care about spending big just have proper honest people running the club and the football on the pitch. FFS.

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