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Talented Bantams

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Ozbantam, May 12, 2022.

  1. River_City_Bantam

    River_City_Bantam Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Thanks! Yes, hindsight says we should have had one of our mates record the set on a good cellphone, or even a ghetto blaster (remember those? that dates me/us!), never mind what the organisers were going to do. Oh well...

    The three of us (bass-drums-vox) are all old enough to have experienced the prog-rock era, or at least the latter part of it, so perhaps no wonder that some elements come in, even though we really came of age with the punk movement and its aftermath. I dare say the end result will have more tips of the hat though to a host of late-70s early-80s bands (e.g. Joy Division, Bauhaus, early Cure, Foxx-era Ultravox) as those are at least my greatest influences.

    Just back from another evening of knocking songs into shape. Some are easy, others not so much -- we all know the one we were working on last needs some tweaks, but no one has yet had any inspiration. Hopefully a week of thinking about it will lead to a breakthrough. Individual bits are fine, but the whole is like stale beer...

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  2. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
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    Jun 18, 2018
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    It's actually amazing how good modern smartphones are at sound recording. I use an app called Easy Voice Recorder which records sound files as WAVs(!) and the quality is astonishing.

    I was at Bradford Uni from 1980-84, so during the era you are referring to. I saw many bands live at Bradford Uni, including New Order and U2 on their first tours, the Bunnymen, Wah Heat, Teardrop Explodes, The Cure, the Au Pairs, Gang of Four (fantastic!) and no doubt others of that ilk that I've forgotten about. I went late to uni - I was 24 when I moved up from Essex - so I'd already had my musically formative teenage years. I really enjoyed all those early 80s bands at the time but, for me, they haven't aged as well as the classic 60s/70s stuff I grew up with. For example, I loved Echo & the Bunnymen's first two albums at the time, but when I play them now they sound quite flat and dated. But play me Led Zep IV, Argus, Fragile or Disraeli Gears and they all still sound fantastic to my ears. I still love Gang of Four though. And a lot of the early punk stuff like the Clash, Pistols, Damned etc.

    Inspiration is a funny thing, isn't it? You never know, someone will probably be noodling around at your next rehearsal, play something that sparks your interest and you'll be off and running. The fascination of music.
  3. Ozbantam

    Ozbantam Emergency Backup

    Apr 13, 2018
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    The Beatles cover sounds great mate and I'm listening on a phone mind you. Did you do the mixing and mastering on it? It must be a challenge doing the original track remotely. Almost all muso's are guilty of overplaying from time to time, for example playing a shredding 3 minute solo over a subtle verse. Or thunderous double kick on a mellow pop song. These are the challenges associated when parts are recorded separately without the 'general' in the room to keep an eye on things. Haha I had an older drummer mentor me and I'll never forget his words along the lines of"listen to buddy rich, John Bonham, Moon, Copeland and hone your style according to your taste, but when it comes to song craft... play to the song." That's what I think Ringo was outstanding at.
  4. Ozbantam

    Ozbantam Emergency Backup

    Apr 13, 2018
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    No doesn't ring any bells.
  5. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
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    Jun 18, 2018
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    Thanks for the kind words. Try giving it a listen through headphones or a Bluetooth speaker - it'll sound much better.
    Yes, I didn't do the lead vocal or the drum programming, but the bass, guitars and all the production, mixing etc, as well as the video, is me. It started with our band's singer sending me his vocal and acoustic guitar tracks. I then built it all up from there. I dumped the guide acoustic and layered it up with, IIRC, about ten guitar tracks, although some of those are duplicates panned left & right. The riffage and solo is on a Les Paul and the funky rhythm bit before the stops is on a Strat. What I like to think of as the Gilmouresque slide at the end is on a Fret King superstrat, set up with heavy strings for slide. I made the bottleneck from the neck of a Mateus Rose wine bottle; the wine may be shite but the thick glass bottles are perfect for making bottleneck slides! Not a lot of people know that :brig:
    TBH I don't have a clue about mastering. I have a Waves Audio plugin called CLA Mixdown. Once I've got the mix as good as I can, I slap that plugin on the master output bus and play around with it until it sounds better.
    I must admit I was pretty pleased with that project because it was the first time I'd properly used Cubase for anything other than tinkering about.

    I'm appallingly slow at using Cubase and there are so many shortcuts and functions that I don't understand or even know about. But I'm retired, with plenty of time on my hands, so speed doesn't really matter. The current project is taking forever. It's seven minutes long and there are eight guitar tracks which I'm having to ruthlessly edit all over the place so they don't clash with each other and turn it all to mush. But I love doing it. It perfectly suits the obsessive perfectionist side of my nature.

    I completely agree about Ringo. Master of playing what is necessary for the song. The others called him a metronome, his timing is so good. To think that for a time he was widely regarded as not very good - ' he's not even the best drummer in The Beatles' etc. Listen to Rain, Tomorrow Never Knows or, indeed, Come Together, and tell me he's not a master.
  6. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
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    Jun 18, 2018
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    I've definitely heard of them. 90s band? I don't think I've ever heard them though. Why did you ask?
  7. Offcomedun

    Offcomedun Important Player
    Qatar 2022 Entrant P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant Supporter Euro2020 Winner Euro 2020 P.L. 20/21 3rd Place

    Jun 18, 2018
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    One of the biggest challenges is what they call gainstaging - ie keeping all the track stems at a reasonable level so that their combined volume doesn't tip everything into the red. However much I tell the others to record stuff at -15db they keep sending me massively loud recordings which I then have to reduce with the pre-gain tool before I can start getting a feasible balance of all the instruments.
    Oh, and sending me stereo tracks instead of mono. Gaaah!
  8. River_City_Bantam

    River_City_Bantam Squad Player
    P.L.22/23 Entrant P.L.23/24 Entrant P.L. 20/21 Top 10

    Apr 8, 2018
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    I must look into that app -- sounds like something we could put to very good use.

    Yes, I suppose the half-decade or so from one's mid-teens onwards do play an outsize role in one's musical development -- certainly they did for me. I went into them without really any preferred genre and came out of them certain that my place was amongst the various splinters of the punk explosion. I'd love to get the band to cover 'Not Great Men' or 'Damaged Goods,' but for an audience over here they're probably too obscure.

    Agree about inspiration. As you say, we'll just keep at it and eventually the right solution will arrive.

    The Lorries started around 80/1 and went on for about a decade; their fifth and last LP came out in 91 but by then only the singer/guitarist Chris Reed remained of the 'classic' lineup. The same surname appears in both bands, and though not rare it isn't at Smith- or Jones-level popularity. Thus I wondered if there might be a connexion.

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  9. Hugh Jarse

    Hugh Jarse Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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    I never saw them play but... I used to play Sunday League footy with Mark Sweeney the Lorries' original vocalist.
  10. Hulmebantam

    Hulmebantam Squad Player
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    Apr 9, 2018
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